Lollipop x Male!Reader

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Requested by @n3wb1e4lliance_ :D
Thank you for requesting!
I'm open to hearing any advice about my writing, please keep in mind english isn't my first language.

This takes places in bfb 20
Reader is on have cots

O/N = object name
Reader uses he/him


-"Woah! It's so cool that we get to be in space again! It's just as tranquil as i remember it!"

Leafy gushes, looking out the plastic wrap covered window. Lollipop approaches her from behind with a bored look.

-"Meaning, not very tranquil."

-"Gah! Why would you say that, Lolly?"

-"The last time you were in space, you got obliterated by a laser."

-"Not true!"

Lollipop pulls out a tablet and plays a section of Gardening Hero.
The video shows Firey and Leafy in spaceships, when Spongy shoots Leafy from his ship, killing her.

-"Okay! Maybe i did get obliterated by a laser... but getting obliterated by a laser isn't that bad!"


Lollipop presses X to doubt.
In an act of wanting to prove her point, Leafy kills Lollipop with a laser button.

-"See? Didn't that feel nice?"

Having witnessed the scene, O/N ran up to Leafy with a shocked expression.

-"What the [something related to your object], Leafy? Why did you shoot Lollipop?!"

-"I just wanted to share a pleasant experience with her!"

-"How would death be pleasant?!"

Leafy's and O/N's argument was interrupted by the sound of the plastic wrap on one of the windows getting pierced by a fork. Gelatin sticks his tongue out the hole, trying to "taste space"

-"Uhh, Gelatin? You'd better keep your tongue in there..."

Not having heard Ruby, Gelatin pulls his tongue back in.

-"What did you say?"

All the air in the spaceship starts to get sucked out, resulting in almost everyone aboard to start panicking and suffocating.

-"Leafy!! Download more air!"

Ruby points to the tablet on the ground, struggling to talk. Leafy picks it up, and looks up "More air" on the app store. It takes a while to download, everyone seems to suffocate while Teardrop looks unbothered. Right as the download finishes, Four pops up on the screen.

-"You've been hacked!!"

Four blows a party popper.

-"You have Cots have lost last time, so whichever one of you got the fewest votes will BRB! In this first ever Cake at Stake over video call, I'll give contestants air to breathe if they're declared safe. Bubble is safe! So are Teardrop and O/N! And Lollipop!"

Four recovers Lollipop, and pushes her through Donut's camera. Everyone announced safe was able to breathe properly again.

-"Well, how was the experience, wasn't it cozy?"

-"If you call excruciating pain cozy..."

Lollipop deadpanned at Leafy with the slightest hint of annoyance in her voice.
Seeing how much Ruby was suffocating, O/N took action.

"It's a team member's duty to give other members air."

O/N blew air in Ruby's mouth through a straw, allowing her to breathe. Lollipop smirked a bit at the sight, seeing an opportunity. She approached O/N.

"Care to give me some air? No straw needed."


O/N would've slapped Lollipop if he had the willpower to. Instead, he turned away, praying the hint of red on his cheeks would go unnoticed. It did not.

"You wouldn't let me die suffocating, would you O/N?"

Lollipop teased. She leaned a bit closer, trying to get a bigger reaction from O/N

"Lollipop! You were announced safe already, you can breathe!"

"...But it's better if the air comes from you. Just-"

Lollipop leaned in a bit closer, visibly about to kiss O/N, when the two were interrupted by Four announcing the votes.

"It looks like Ruby is going back to being a hidden gem!"

He grabs Ruby through the Camera.

"Woah! Please please please, can i stay in the game, please please?"

Ruby tried to plead her way back into BFB, but Four sent her to the BRB, not listening.

As the others spoke, O/N stood alone, still blushing. He was trying to process the earlier event of Lollipop flirting with him. No one had ever viewed him romantically before, especially not someone out of his league like Lollipop.
O/N was broken out of his thoughts by the candy girl herself placing a hand on his shoulder

"...So about that air."

She smiled. It was less of a smirk and more of something genuinely loving this time. O/N smiled in return, cringing at how much he was blushing. This time, he didn't feel as panicked when Lollipop leaned in and kissed him.
768 words

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