Chapter 1

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Paul, a slightly deranged 17-year-old child, eternally lazy and a mess, decides to change the course of his life after a small glimpse of his future.  And as human life itself is made up of obstacles, this book will tell us about the obstacles that our "zero" has overcome to become a "hero".

It was on this morning in April 2022 that I, Paul, was once again called into the principal's office, and this time unfairly.  I think back as I walk down the hallway to the principal's office of the philosophy professor's reaction when my classmates falsely accused me.  I would say he was clearly disappointed and even if I don't give a shit about his boring lecture I at least had respect for him personally, and I think it was mutual.  Now, needless to say, he'll never look at me the same way again.  I must admit that I am very concerned about the opinion of those who matter to me.  I therefore walk in the long corridor leading to the Director and I want to tell you that in my school corporal punishment is not yet abolished.  Our high school (my high school) is recognized for its rigor and the results breathtaking achievements made by its laureates in the various State examinations.  I pass by a line of high school students, and their faces showed fear and anguish.  I guess, therefore, that our dear sheep are about to go for a walk in the "corporal punishment room" and as if I had not already had my share of bad luck today they were escorted by Mr.  that I'm supposed to go see.  Yes, himself!!  Dressed in "black jacket, black leather, white shirt, red tie, neatly ironed black pants that shine on his large size of about 1m85" By far his large size remains the only possible compliment on his anatomy, because unfortunately it  is the ugliest person ever seen in the world;  bald like Albert Einstein, and fat like a hippopotamus, forehead bent like an unironed shirt, charcoal black complexion characterized by a rugged relief made up of large pimples (Like those of measles) Holes in his big nose you can see  groupings of hairs comparable to the Amazon rainforest.  His serious look, he stops me when I started to turn back to come back later.
- Your philosophy teacher has already explained the situation to me on the phone!  he informs me.  so please complete the queue.

So come and slap me at a distance of 2 meters the nauseating smell coming from his mouth and like any exemplary student who worries about his future I pretend nothing.
Although accustomed to corporal punishment, I must admit that this sentence from the director was enough to trigger a considerable acceleration of the beating of my heart.  Even having been punished 1000 and once I never got used to it.
But, my fear does not prevent me from detecting on the face of one of the sheep an enormous satisfaction, he had a smile on the corner which considerably accentuated his ugliness.  I judge that he is happy to see the number of people in the same situation as him increasing.  It's logical and human on his part, but the fact of showing him physically <<smile on the corner>> already shows that he is a bad person: <<Man is a wolf for man>> said  an author whose name I forgot because I remind you that a student who is a mess does not learn his lessons, it's not good for his reputation.
I join the line of sheep, the majority of them are also in Tle like me but I do not know them since they are not in my class<<Tle B>> When I think about it they have surely committed a  great fault for the Director himself to decide to punish them.  So I ask the girl in front of me who completely ignores me "the bitch" another one who tries to play the star.
We finally arrived at the "corporal punishment room".  The walls are painted white, a pure white, the floor is tiled in beige color.  The table on which I am about to be martyred is in the middle of this room, it has become my best friend since I am in this high school.  She is always there when everything goes wrong, this table represents my whole life.  My other best friend is now in the hands of the manager who signals the first sheep to come up on the table.  I heard from a reliable source that when the director is in a bad mood, for example for an argument with his wife in his home, he strikes as if he wants to kill you.  If you know someone who has lived in Africa ask him how they treat bandits, murderers, homosexuals and others.  He will tell you exactly the pathetic scene that is currently unfolding before me.  The director, using his stick surely carved by the carpenter next to the school, strikes on the absent buttocks of the sheep who sings a song of which I do not know the words, it must be a sad song since he was crying  .  I never liked that old carpenter, and what I see now accentuates my hatred towards him.  The sticks he provides to the school are so thick (because they are made from mahogany).  Our sheep was crying out in pain, he was moaning, he was screaming, he was barking, he was swearing, he was cursing, he was growling:<<I want to see my mummy>>, <<I want to see my daddy>>, <<I want to see ouch  ...>> .  I jerk my left hand to my mouth to resist my urge to laugh out loud.  The Headmaster noticing my movement gives a satisfied look, surely he thinks I was horrified by the way he knocked.  On the contrary, I experienced worse with my father, so I'm zen (or more or less I'm divided).  It's the turn of the mute in front of me to have a snuff, I'm almost happy for her, the poor thing is shaking from head to toe.  Like what '' the misfortune of some makes the happiness of others " I almost want to throw him a << I hope that you will always remain silent on the dirty stupid table! >>>
She climbs onto the table, lies on her stomach leaving her buttocks at the mercy of the Director, then hides her sad face between her two hands, she was already crying even without being hit.  The Director moved by his cinema then asks her to get off the table and of course she had not received any blow from the stick "the bitch"!!  The very definition of gender equality in our societies.
Finally, it's my turn to be beaten up on the corporal punishment table.  Come the first blow, then the second, I do not move a millimeter.  The third blow was all-powerful because the director understood that I am a badass, but I stay still, I grit my teeth because in my opinion a man does not cry in public.  At the twentieth stroke, he despairs and sends us back to the room to follow the rest of the lessons.
At the end of the day's classes, I decide to gather my notebooks and documents to finally go home.  No joke, the end of the day is the sweet moment of happiness for any high school student, except the nerds.  Lucien approaches the first of the room, a former certified shambler (so to speak) but who has had to give up his status as "shuffler" to play the role of "intellectual".  Former Lucien, respected by all, and feared by all professors;  brainless brute worse than Manetti in "Angelo la débrouille", was beaten by his mother during the ceremony of the colors, that is to say in front of everyone, especially in front of the 2nd and 1st (our little brothers) This situation the  really marked, and since that day (beginning of the 1st quarter) Lucien has decided to work to get his baccalaureate with mention (just to rewash his already soiled honor).  He took first place in the first and second quarters to the great despair of Margaux "the former first in the room" who is now trying to prove that Lucien is a cheat (which I believe is false)
- You know what?

He is now in front of me, I read the concern on his face and I stop putting away my notebooks intrigued by what he has to say.  Lucien is 18 years old (So my eldest) black light complexion highlighted by his tall size of 1m80, this size which guarantees him a real success with girls, and also with some boys.  Oval face, luscious mouth brown color on the upper lip and pink on the lower one, aquiline nose all resplendent with its "afro cut".  He's a nice guy who you can count on in any situation, and he has the ability to catch everyone's eye wherever he goes.  So imagine how he felt when his ass was kicked in front of everyone.

- Jose the mole, say the Headmaster contacted your parents!  Launches you after having scored five long seconds of hesitation.

- And ??

- It was just for you to prepare accordingly!  You know your father...

- Shut up !

As a best friend, I obviously told him about my relationship with my father.  But I just don't like being reminded of the life I lead.
He has no reason to be hurt by my reaction because I often react that way.

- It's good!  No need to play tough with me.  He said turning around to get his bag.  Are you coming to sleep at my house tonight?  We will take the opportunity to deal with the French homework.

I know very well what he's playing, he's trying to get me away from my house tonight since my father will surely give me a hard time when I arrive.  Sometimes I'm ashamed to have such an irresponsible father who spends his days drinking and kicking everything that moves.  I'm ashamed when my teachers see him at school meetings.  My mother alone pays my schooling as well as the financing of the needs of the house, my father does not participate in anything.

- No, I'd rather go home tonight.  I replied as I walked out of the classroom with my backpack.  Are you fast?  I don't want to be late for home.

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