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Naomi sat down beside her husband Thompson laughing at his jokes when she suddenly passed out.

"Naomi....... Naomi, what happened to you Na..." He called out to her and took her in his arms into the house and phoned the doctor immediately.


Few minutes later a female doctor stepped into the house and examined her.

"Doctor could you please tell me what is wrong with her" he asked panicking, walking to and fro but stopped to look at the doctor's face.

"You're smiling, my wife is lying in there and you are smiling, what kind of a best friend is that huh" he said feeling hurt and aroused with great anger.

"Calm down Thompson, it's a good news" she said smiling sweetly.

"Are you knuts, I told Naomi to stay away from you, you don't care about her you are being jealous Naya my wife is lying down there unconscious and you're telling me it's a good news" he said trying to keep his cool.

"No Thompson, I'm not done with my information, well she's unconscious because of stress and pressure..................

"And how is that good news" he said interrupting her .

"Could you stop interrupting and let me continue oh and keep your mouth shut untill I ask you to talk do you understand, Thompson only nodded in agreement, good now as I was saying Naomi passed out due to stress and pressure you must take good care of her you need to treat her like an egg because she is five weeks pregnant" she said beaming with joy.

"Really, are you serious thank you, thank you, thank you Naya this is the best news I've ever had in my entire life, you don't know how happy I am at the moment you really made my night I owe you one Naya" he said excitedly

"Yes yes I am really happy for the both of you, congratulations once again " she said smiling happily

"What's going on here they heard a weak voice from behind.
"Naomi you're awake, we have good news" he said with a smile on his face.

"What news, you've gotten a promotion" she asked feeling excited and weak.
"Even better my love, we are going to be parents very soon" he said expecting her to understand.

"Am I pregnant" she asked with a questioning look.
"Yes Naomi you are pregnant" he said with excitement in his voice while Naomi jumped for joy

"Congratulations Omi I wish you a successful pregnancy" Naya said with a small smile.

"Thanks a lot Naya" she smiled back at her.
"Well excuse me, I would take my leave" she said heading to the door.

"I'll Escourt you out" skender volunteered
"No you don't need to bother yourself skender, just remember what I said okay" she opened the door while skender nodded.

Immediately Naya went out Naomi turned to skender "what did she tell you?" She asked anxiously.
"Nothing much, she just wants me to take good care of you, that's all" he said without hesitation.

The next morning skender got up early prepared breakfast for both of them and prepared some water for Naomi, had his bathe, got dressed and woke her up.

"Omi, Omi get up now"he said while fixing his tie.
"Hmmmm (yawns) good morning skender" she said rubbing her eyes.
"Good morning honey, how was your night" he said still fixing his smile.
"Good and you" she said walking towards the bathroom.
"Perfect" he said not taking his eyes off the mirror.

"How do I look" he asked Naomi while she stood in front of him.
"Handsome as always, anything special going on at work" she said while fixing his suit.

"Reward for the hard workers, we might get a promotion" he said taking his suit case.

"Aren't you going to have breakfast?" She asked again
"Nope, I prepared breakfast, I'll have my breakfast at work" he said staring into her indigo eyes and then placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Remember do not stress yourself okay, and eat properly,no junk food" he said stepping out.
"Ok, please could you get me blue berries on your way home" she said waving at him.
"Ok and stay indoors" he said with worries on his face.

"Don't worry skender, I'm only pregnant not badly injured" she said and giggled lightly

"Bye, I love you" he said waving at her.
"Bye and I love you more" she said waving back at him.

Nine o clock sharp, skender got home with some drugs and blue berries.
"Naomi......, Omi I'm home" he called out to her.
"Mmm berries give me the berries" she said with her hand stretched out and her eyes fixed on the blue berries.

"Won't you at least welcome me home " he said feeling hurt at the fact that Naomi welcomed the berries without thinking about him.

"I'm so sorry skendie, I just want to have a taste of it , and you are welcome home are you satisfied now, please give me the berries". She said still not giving him the attention he wanted but gave up knowing how stubborn she is.

"Have you eaten" he asked with concern.
"No, I couldn't eat without you skendie you know that " she said smiling at least she said something that sounded sweet in his ears.

"Now go and freshen up so we can have dinner" she said pushing him to the room.

After dinner Naomi and skender were outside again cracking and laughing at their jokes.
"Um Omi, I got a promotion today" he says with his eyes some where else

"Really, that's good" she said smiling.
"But I would have to move to Mexico tomorrow for a construction" he said flatly

" That's okay, um so how long would it take" she asked staring at him.
"Eight months Omi" he said reading the expression on her face.

"What! I would've given birth by then skender, can't you beg to reduce the days" she said looking into his eyes.

"No I can't Omi, but I assure you that I will be home before you put to bed" he said hoping his words would convince her.

"But who would stay with me at home, no I don't want you to go" she said not having a good feeling about his travel.

"Omi please you have to understand that I want to secure a good future for our child or children and that's why i have to go" he said looking away.

"Then I'll come along with you skender" she said not giving up.
"No, Omi I have to go alone well with my boss and our little group you are. But I promise I would always call to check up on you and our daughter coradyl" . He said smiling at her.

"Fine,I'm going to bed it's late now" she said trying hard not to shed a year and with that she went inside the house.

After a while skender went to the room only to find Naomi packing his things into his big traveling bag.

"Omi ..... Omi I'm really sorry if hurt your feeling I..."
"No skendie I only realized that I was being selfish but now I understand, our child needs a secure future and that's exactly what you're doing my love I'm sorry.......

But before she could finish talking skender gave her passionate kiss.

"I love you a lot Omi" he said with emotions
"I love you more skendie" she said hugging him close.

The next morning Mariana, Naomi, skender and his little group was seen at the airport with their bags.
Skender gave Naomi a long passionate kiss pouring his emotions flowing through it.

"Ill be back before you know it Omi"he said livingly while Naomi clingged to him.

"Please come home to me as fast as you can" she said hugging him tightly.

"I will Omi, Mariana please take good care of her and call me if anything goes wrong ok" he said flatly.

"Yes brother you can count on me" she smiled warmly.
Skender gave Naomi a good bye kiss and boarded the plane.

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