Unknown History

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~3rd Pov~

      It was late morning when Alessia woke up, the sun beaming through the curtains making rainbows on the walls. She was content to lay there forever, sandwiched between Jace and Alec as they slept. About to fall back asleep she almost forgot about why they were there in the first place. Quickly slipping out of their arms, and out of bed Alessia slips on her slippers and shrugs on her robe. Not bothering to tie it as she rushed down the hall, intent on finding Magnus and checking up on Luke. Reaching the kitchen, she finds Magnus nursing a cup of coffee. Looking as content as can be, as if there weren't an injured half-dead werewolf two doors down. 

      "Good morning, Kitten?" Magnus says, giving a smile at her appearance. 

      "Morning Mags," Alessia yawns. "How is Luke?" She questions, eager to get an answer. 

     "He's doing much better, should only take a few more days of bed rest and he'll be good as new." Magnus assures her, "He was just asking for you and Clary. Thought it best to wait until you've woken up. Go ahead and visit him, I'll send in Clary in a few minutes." He smiles at her eagerness, knowing how much Luke means to her. 

      Alessia shouts out thanks before she's off and hurrying down the hall. Quickly making it to Luke's door, she debates on knocking or just barging in. Before she can do either, a voice is heard from inside. 

      "Just come in," Luke says, amused at her hesitation. 

      Smiling sheepishly, Alessia slowly opens the door to be greeted by the sight of her Surgut father, smiling at her. 

      "Was wondering when you'd show up, have a seat we have a lot to talk about." Luke gestures to a spot on the bed beside him, indicating for her to take a seat. 

    "I am so glad you're ok!" Alessia semi shouts, running up to him and gently pulling him into a hug. 


Hey guys! Finally got something written, it's not much but I thought I'd give you guys a sneak peek at what I have in the works. I don't know when it will be finished and uploaded but, I do know that I have a lot to catch up on. Thank you guys soooo much for being patient with me, I appreciate it more than you know. It's been a while since I last updated a real chapter, and I am sorry again for that. But I think I'm back? We'll see how long this lasts, lol. That's all I have for now, so see you in the next chapter :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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