SPNPG - Trust Me

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(A/N: I watched Jacksepticeye's five hour video and was so unbelievably pissed off when Max and Ricky died. Not at Jack because I didn't even figure it out (even with minor suspicions) but the fact it was so SAD and I hate dog deaths in general, so...writing therapy)

At 3am, exhausted and stressed and wanting to go to sleep and hope this was all just an awful nightmare....

Kendra could be forgiven for not seeing it sooner, okay?

When Dawn called for like the millionth time saying she needed help getting into her apartment, it took a minute to realise what was wrong.

Even with music playing, the familiar ominous whistling should have been there too.

The volume was turned right up, there was no way she could miss it.

Kylie was being the producer for the night, and she was holding a note up to the glass.


Kendra nodded and looked at the booklet in front of her, finding the code that would set off the alarm.

She trusted Kylie, and if she said not to let her in, then done.

"Okay...it's 50813!"

Seconds later, the alarm sounded.

"Shit!" Dawn cursed. "Well, I guess you found me out, huh? Whatever...you win this time."

The line went dead.

Kylie sighed in relief and so did Kendra.

"Thank god," the redhead laughed, "thank god you listened to me!"

The blonde laughed too. "Well...looks like we have our killer! Everyone be careful, our whistling man is a whistling woman. Stay inside, stay safe, and do not trust anyone who you don't know."

Someone else started calling and Kylie put them on.

"Kendra, holy shit! I think the killer was just here!" Kenny said.

"Did your alarm go off?" she asked.

"Yeah! And Wolfie's barking like crazy, but no one's there! Should I...is it safe to turn off the alarm?"

"It should be, but take a weapon."

"Already covered. So...you saved my life there, didn't you?"

"Sounds like it, we have a whistling woman to look and listen out for."

"Got it. Alright, just gonna- oh fuck!"

The sound of a gunshot made Kendra jump and Kylie scream.

"Sorry!" Kenny's voice came through again after a few seconds, out of breath. "Sorry, someone tried to get me and I shot them. I...did I just shoot the killer?"

Kendra laughed. "Sounds like it. Think you can find a way to keep her there?"

"I've got a lead to tie her to the gate, is that good?"

"As long as you change the entry code, yes. You're gonna give me a heart attack if I get another call from you after this."

Kenny laughed. "Got it, just...call me back when someone's coming for her, alright? Me and Wolfie are safe, Kendra, thanks to you. I owe you one, a big one."

The call ended and Kendra said she needed a break after that, putting some music on and getting up to stretch her legs.

For the first time that night, Kylie left her office and came in. "I think we need to be less apart after that."

The blonde pulled her into a hug. "Yeah, that sounds about right."

(A/N: ok I feel slightly better, but I might end up playing the game myself to fix this awfulness lmao)

SPNPG - Trust MeWhere stories live. Discover now