School day!!!^_^

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writer note:man I do not fucking know how to do this gahshdhhsd

Kyles POV:

It was at least 5-6 minutes before school started,and Kyle was still asleep.His alarm kept on blaring.But somehow He  managed to sleep through it.He eventually woke up though,because my mom started yelling.I jumped out of bed and grabbed some clothes,a white shirt,a dark green shirt to go over it,beige cargos,and some black converse.I put them on as fast as I can,and I ran out of the door,forgetting to get breakfast😣

Stan's POV:

"Where the fuck is Kyle??Hes usually never late."He asked Kenny and Cartman,and He was right,Kyle was never late.Something was wrong,or maybe He's  just overthinking it.Who knows?

Kenny:"Maybe he's sick?I don't fucking know."

Cartman:"He's probably recovering from your Make-out session last night!Fucking fag."

Stan:"Shut the fuck up Cartman!"

They continued to argue until Kyle got there..and he was at least 10 minutes late🤯I immediately shut up,and focused on Kyle.god he looked good.

Kyles POV:

I finally made it to the bus stop,and I saw Stan,then I waved at him.Stan immediately hugged me,and I was a little flustered,to say the least.Wait-why was I blushing?We're just Super Best Friends..nothing more,Right?Do I have a crush on him????No,it couldn't be,I'm not gay!Shit.

He didn't even notice Stan yelling for him,he was so lost in his thoughts.

Stan:"Kyleeee!!Kyleeee are you there????Hellloooo???KYLE!!!"

He immediately snapped out of his thoughts when Stan raised his voice,looking at him.


Stan:"We were gonna hang out after school today!Remember?"

Kyle:"Oh yeah,sorry.We're meeting at 5:00,Right?"


Cartman:"Can you two Fags plan your make-out session somewhere else,PLEASE!


Stan's POV(we're going into first person now :3):

God,I was so excited to see him.We all started walking to school,Cartman and Kyle arguing like usual,we were on a 6 minute streak,sadly that's been broken.Once we all got to school,Me and Kyle went to our lockers(which were right by each other.wink wink nudge nudge😉)I couldn't stop staring at Kyle,he was so fucking perfect.His hair,his freckles,his outfit,just HIM in general was so fucking perfect.I didn't even notice I was staring at him,until he called it out.

Kyle:"Dude,you okay?

Stan:"Oh-uh-yeah.Sorry,I guess I zoned out."

Kyle:"Oh!Your fine dude."

I put in the code to open my locker,I put away my backpack,and grabbed the stuff I needed for homeroom,me and Kyle only had 4 periods together,one of them being lunch.So I wouldn't be able to talk to him until next period,sadly.😢


Kyles POV:

I waved to Stan and said goodbye,then I started walking to my class,I HATE my homeroom teacher so much.She never ever shuts up.I'll live,Wait..maybe,just this once,I could skip class with him.I walked back over To Stan,and asked him.

Kyle:"Hey,uh-do you wanna like-skip class or something?"

Stan:"WHAT??Dude,you never act like this!Whats up?

Kyle:"Nothing..I just,REALLY wanna talk to you!"

Stan:"Whatever you say.."

Stan(again):"But yeah,I'll skip with you.You wanna go to the janitors closet?"


Stan's POV:

Was I SERIOUSLY about to get to skip class with him?Its not like it's a big deal or anything,okay,it's a HUGE deal.I started to drag him to the janitors closet,opening it,and then pulling him inside.I wanted to kiss him..maybe do more,but I'll save the rest of that for later.Right now,I just wanna be here with him.



Kyles POV:

Well,this is awkward.I wonder what we should do..I sure hope Stan knows what to do.He looks like he's FINALLY starting to take care of himself,like he doesn't have that greasy ass hair anymore,he finally put on a different shirt after wearing the same one for 6 days,etc etc.he actually looks..cute when he looks goo-I need to stop thinking that,I'm not gay!my parents would KILL me if I was!

Should I just kiss him?

I might,I really want to.I want to taste those lips,and feel his tounge in my throa-shit..I think I have a crush on him.Yeah, I do.Now I see why everyone thinks me and Kyle are gay.I think about him all of the time..and whenever I see him I just want to kiss him and-

I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by Stan kissing me.

Stans POV:

God what the FUCK am I doing?I could ruin everything..whatever,if I at least get 10 seconds in heaven,I'll live.


Stan was extremely close to Kyle,He was trying to slip his tounge into Kyles mouth,but Kyle was refusing.But Kyle eventually let him,Stan tugging at Kyles shirt,he moved down to Kyles neck,nibbling on it.He eventually started sucking,leaving a few hickeys and bite marks,etc.He wanted to do SO MUCH more..but they were still in school,so he couldn't do too much more.

Meanwhile,Kyle continued to moan and groan,Stan eventually pulled away,and Kyle was out of breath.They both exchanged THAT look,and then the bell rung,signaling that second period was about to start..Kyle looked like a mess,he was covered in love marks,his hair was messy.

While Stan on the other hand,he looked amazing,he didn't have a single mark on him,his hair was perfect,he looked perfect,gorgeous even.

The both of them started to walk out,going to second period.Kyle DEFINITELY looked like he had just been fucked,while Stan looked totally normal.

Writers note:my fingers hurt owwwwieeeeee anyways if you couldn't tell I CANNOT write smut so if I do write that(which I'm gonna avoid the best I can)it's gonna suck total ass😭😭

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