When It's the Begining

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An itch.

There was an itch your mother just couldn't seem to get rid of...and you knew that.

You sat quietly in your car seat, watching, listening...waiting.

Your mother was in the driver's seat, both hands clutched the steering wheel so hard the white on her knuckles were about translucent. Which didn't take much...your mother had pretty much no weight on her bones anyway.

Her breathing was quick just as her heart beat, her eyes were blood shot though they still looked black and lifeless...you hated when she was like this.

"Momma, a-are you okay?" You asked, playing with the ends of your hair.

"Fine!" She snapped, before taking a deep breath before answering again, but more calmly. "I'm fine. Sorry, sweet heart. J-Just need to find you a safe place so momma can meet up with her friend again."

You nodded. "Is this the same friend who gives you your special medicine?"

Your mother scratched her left arm. "Y-Yeah, something like that. Um...do you think Julie would let you stay with her for the night?"

"No," you mumbled. "Her and her mommy and daddy are in Florida for Christmas break."

You heard your mom curse, slamming her fist into the steering wheel. "Of course. It's fine. I-I'll think of something." With that said, she put the car into drive and took off from the parking lot.

You watched out the window, seeing the white flakes float down to the pavement below. Though it was scary sometimes, you did like taking a car ride with your mom, sometimes it was peaceful, normal even. Though is wasn't most of the time, especially when it was time for a visit with you mother's friend. You didn't like her friends. They looked a lot like her, skinny, red eyes, knotted, greasy hair...a bunch of punctured wounds going up and down both arms.

You use to go with your mom to visit her friend, but after an accident that happened between you and the man she could her 'bestie', it was best to keep you away until it was all over.

You two drove for about 15 minutes, no words were shared, only the sounds of the radio in the background. Though you could tell your mother was losing herself, her breathing was getting quicker and she almost looked paranoid, constantly looking over both shoulders with wide, scared eyes. She looked awful.

Just then, the radio went from regular music, to an ad that caught your mom's attention fast.

'Come on, come all! To Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria! A magical place for kids and grown ups alike! Where fantasy and fun come to life! Only $5.00 admission for children under the age of 10, adults $10.00! You'll find us located at..."

Your mom quickly turned up the volume on the radio, listening closely to the address that they provided. You could easily see the relieved smirk that formed on her lips as she did a quick u turn.


"Don't worry, (Y/N). I know where you'll be safe for the night."


Everything was so...different.

It was bright, colorful and loud.

Full of joy it seemed.

You watched all of the children run around, smiling and laughing, the parents too. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Something you've never really seen before.

"Welcome Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria, where fantasy and fun come to-!" The teenager began, but was cut off.

"Yeah yeah, whatever!" You mom slammed a wrinkled $5.00 bill on the counter. "Just one for my daughter."

"Okay, but I'm sorry to say that it'll be $15.00."

"No, your advertisement said $5.00 for children!"

"Yes m'am, that's correct." The boy nodded. "But it's $10.00 for an adult."

"I'm not staying, she'll be the only one."

"I-I'm sorry miss, but all children need to be under adult supervision-."

You jumped at the sound of your mother slamming her fists on the counter, glaring up at the boy. "Listen to me, you stupid kid! I am sick and need to pick up my medicine, and I can't do it with her with me! Now, if you don't allow her to stay, I swear I'll-!"

"Okay, whatever!" The teenager rolled his eyes, deciding he wasn't paid enough for this. "He printed out an access bracket, handing it over to your mother. "Have her put this on, and please, for my sake, don't be gone long. Not risking my job for you." He unhooked the rope that was blocking the way in.

She nodded, turning towards you. She bent down, strapping the bracelet to your wrist. "Here, you'll be safe here, okay?"

You nodded. "Okay. But, you'll be okay too, right?"

"Y-yeah, yeah...right." She couldn't even make eye contact with you. "I-I'll be fine. You'll have fun tonight, okay? Go play, sing, dance or w-whatever kids do."

"Yeah," you frowned. "Okay." You mumbled, going towards the main floor, before you were grabbed on the shoulder.

"(Y/N)," your mother turned you around, holding onto both shoulders, she sighed. "You know I love you, right?"

"Yes momma, I know."

"Good. Good." She breathed out. "I-I know I might not be the best momma, but I do love you. Now, remember our rule: no matter how bad the situation, always smile, okay? Always, always smile."

And that's what you did. You smiled at her, as she placed a quick kiss to your forehead. "That's my girl. I'll be back before closing. I love you."

"Love you too, momma."

Five Nights at Freddy's: Their Little GirlWhere stories live. Discover now