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After the two finally got ready, Freen walked downstairs with Becky hands in hands. Becky was like a little kid who gets to go out on a playground, she was smiling ears to ears. she couldn't stop smiling which made Freen smile as well, she wasn't able to stop smiling seeing how happy Becky was made Freen awfully happy too.

The two made their way to the car parked right outside in front of the entrance door, Freen opened the passenger door for Becky as the younger brunette stepped in. After that she shut the door after Becky went in and went to the other side of the seat. She started the engine and drove off.

"You know i can't wait for this tonight. I'm getting way too excited now." Becky reached for Freen's hand and held it. She kept her eyes on Freen not taking it off her at all.

"I know how excited you are, darling. We're gonna have the fun of our lives.. and live like there's no other day." Freen smiled and gave her a little hand squeeze before focusing back on the road.

"Now now.. I'm gonna eat all the food in the whole entire market and.. i'm going to drink milktea!" Becky exclaimed excitedly as she looked over at her wife driving.

"Okay okay.. but not too much you might throw up and i'm only going allow 50% sugar in your milktea you might get diabetes. remember i am still your personal bodyguard." Freen teased.

"Okay whatever, Khun Sarocha. 50% of sugar that's fine. but.. i won't be able to taste the sugar at all, just plain tea with milk." Becky frown, she was definitely trying to convince Freen to get her to give Becky the 100% sugar.

Freen just huffs and decided to just give for once only, probably next time she wouldn't give in since now Becky was pouting and frowning like a child and she couldn't say no to that. "Alright fine just once and you're only having one drink tonight so be wise." Freen chuckled.

The two arrived and the sky was orange outside which was a sign the sky will fade from the beautiful bluish orange to dark very soon which only makes the experience better. Freen got out of the car and went to open the door for Becky, the younger girl thanked Freen and clung onto Freen's arm like she was protective of her, which she indeed is.

"Well.. where shall we go first? I want to head over to the rollercoaster first then, bumper cars, ferris wheel, swing ride, a haunted house then the tsunami soaker!" Becky exclaimed excitedly which made Freen laugh.

"Oh come on, one by one alright? just go slow with it we still have a lot of time to get on rides and plus, we don't really need to rush anything." Freen shrugged, as she walked around the carnival looking at the rides around them along with small little booths that were selling food and some other stuff as well.

"But i still want to go on the rides first before anything else, anddd.. plus even though we still have time to have fun of our lives. I have to remind you i've never did anything like this before that's possibly why i'm way too excited for this." Becky huffs through her nose while looking up at Freen.

"Okay fair — but really. We can just chill out.. and go on whatever rides you want." Freen took a quick glance at Becky before the they made their way down to the place they could exchange money to a little rides credit card.

Becky offered to pay for it, but Freen refused and gave the money to the cashier before Becky handed the money to the cashier. "Sarocha!" Becky glared at Freen who was grinning like an idiot, after successfully beating Becky to paying for the card.

"I'm sorry, you're just slow and i'm just quite faster it's not my fault that i'm faster than you are." Freen shrugged with a remaining grin on her face still.

"Next time i'll beat you to it. just watch, Pascal." Becky clenched her jaw and took the card from the cashier walking away to the rides while leaving Freen following her behind like a puppy,

"Oh come on! You can't always sulk like this, not all the time." Freen whined while following behind the younger brunette who was sulking still.

Becky stopped in her tracts and turned to look at Freen while crossing her arms over her chest like a child, "I seriously mean it, Freen. I don't want you to go around paying for me all the time i want this relationship to be a 50/50 not all on you." Becky looked up at Freen in the eyes.

Freen let out a small sigh and could only nod to Becky. "Okay, i'm sorry i promise i'll do better next time and i'll make sure you pay for.. some stuff too, to make it fair between us, okay?" Freen smiled and gave Becky a kiss on her forehead which made Becky feel slightly better because of her reassurance and the fact that she even gave the younger girl a kiss on the forehead.

The two spent the rest of the night going on rides haunted house and the last was the water rides which get the two all wet to the point they had to buy new clothes.

Before she knew someone came along with Freen hugging her tightly Becky wasn't sure who it was but the girl was smiling ear to ear at Freen which made Becky's blood boils instantly. "Hey.." Becky spoke up while Freen turn around to look at Becky with the girl who had her arms around Freen as well. "Oh, Um this is Charlotte .. my friend." Charlotte let go of the woman and smile brightly at Becky.

"Your royal highness, i'm glad to meet you." Charlotte spoke up with a remaining smile as she just her hand up for Becky to shake, Becky stared at her hand and back up into Charlotte's eyes before sighing and taking Charlotte's hand into her own slightly shaking it a little.

"Nice to Meet you as well." Becky spoke up in a sake of Freen but she knew she was slightly jealous because of it. Becky pulled her hand away so did Charlotte.

Both Charlotte and Freen walked around together taking pictures, smiling and laughing along with looking at things around but most of all, Becky was left out. what they know will be an unexpected argument coming from them.

Freen took Becky to the corner and wraps her arm around Becky's shoulder. "Do you want me to chase her away? I could if you want to.. but she just got here as well." Freen spoke up as Becky shook her head with a smile, a sad smile.

"Oh, No. It's fine she can stay we can all have fun i mean it's expected right so basically we could just all hang out together." Becky exclaimed with a smile and Freen nodded her head before letting Becky go and walked with Charlotte expecting Becky to be by her side but she wasn't. Freen was starting to get irritated by Becky's action but just ignored it.

She soon pulled out her phone and texted Becky.


F: If you're going to be like this and stay on your phone and text like this it's better for you to just stay home.

B: excuse me?

F: It's better to just stay home if all you do is text like this.

B: Are you chasing me away?

Freen started at the text before leaving Becky on seen and put her phone back into her pocket, the two came out of the place and Charlotte quickly called over Becky to come over to them, which Becky did and walked behind the two again.

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