Chapter One: Little family

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Bubble guppies. Dora. Octonauts. Mr tumble. Noddy. Yelena flicked from channel to channel, growing increasingly more annoyed as the same five shows appeared time and time again. Since being classified as a little years ago, Yelenas channels had been limited. Very limited. Five options limited. She jabbed the off button on the remote, huffed and crossed her arms in defeat- a slight pout settling on her face in the process. Lucky brushed his excited tail on her legs and rested his head on Yelenas lap, staring intently at her. At the action, she smiled slightly-half forgetting of her unfair show options. Somehow, Yelena found, dogs were much better company than humans. The way they could calm her without saying any words. Not like they could. They were just there, no need for a conversation, no pressure. There was certainly no pushy caregivers. No kates. Yelena loved Kate, truly. The problem? She was a caregiver. She made it show, Yelena didn't let her little status show but god did Kate make sure everyone knew she was a caregiver. Kate always said it wasn't intentional, but inside Yelena thought it was. As soon as her status was mentioned, everybody asked if Yelena was her little. Kate's little. Then they would both blush, Yelena turning a ridiculous shade of red, while she spluttered that her classification is ignored in their household. Which is followed by a sigh, a side hug and forehead kiss from Kate. Yelena never understood that, why would people assume such things?

The click of the lock on the door snapped Yelena out of her thoughts. Her eyes darted to the entrance where Kate stood, laden with bags. Lucky ran over to her, nearly sending both her and the shopping bags flying out into the streets of New York but a swift movement from Yelena caught a loose pack of peppers and a block of cheese. However she somehow left a wobbling Kate who abruptly fell to the ground, hitting her bum hard on the wooden floor. "What is this love? This bag, oh wow this is a lot of bags I see that. Yes, but why?" Yelena had a confused look plastered on her face as she was picked up near on six full bags that lay by the flustered girl in front of her. "Well I mean we need food. So I got food. Even microwave mac and cheese. Yes, two boxes one for me one for your ridiculous hot sauce creation. Oh yeah and thanks for letting your girlfriend fall but caring about vegetables and cheese." The two women laughed then snuck a slight kiss before Yelena wrinkled her nose and said "No, no you taste like that that disgusting smoothie you make. No go brush your teeth it is not nice. Not nice." Kate laughed at the remark and as soon as Yelena turned to walk to the kitchen, put her hand over her mouth to smell her breath. It simply smelt like the spinach smoothie. Shaking her head, she snuck a mint in and made her way to her girlfriend.

Yelena was muttering under her breath and shoving things in cupboards- completely wrong cupboards at that- while Kate sat at the island and watched. "Well don't help! It's fine, please please you sit. You enjoy." Yelena exclaimed seeing her girlfriend kicking her feet up to the countertop. "Oh well if you insist, I will." A mischievous smile grew on Kates face while in contrast Yelenas brows furrowed, her nose scrunched and a deep pout formed on her lips. Before long, Kate had scooped her up and spun her around. "Oh are you feeling cuddly my love? Alright, I'm here my little monkey. You're safe." Kate felt Yelena slump into the hold as she copied her breathing as usual. She made her way to the crook of Kate's neck and snuggled close, no matter if she felt big or little (though she never felt little apparently), Yelena loved being held by Kate. She was called a little monkey but truthfully it just made her feel like there was no judgements. She loved that. Kate softly stroked her hair and swayed slightly while also trying to put the remaining food away- she struggled but would never say as not to disrupt her girlfriend.

Once the shopping was all put away, Kate realised that Yelena had fallen asleep in her arms. She didn't mind but it was a little too early to sleep but too late for a nap. In an attempt to prolong the inevitable whining, she sat down and switched the tv to 'Caregiver' so she could watch some real shows. Ten minutes, she told herself. The peace was nice and she loved cuddles just as much as Yelena did. Settling on 'Antiques Roadshow', Kate settled with one arm wrapped around her girlfriend and one on the back of Lucky. Yelena snored softly, though she rather violently disagrees if ever the topic is brought up, and furrowed her eyebrows so that the sweetest look of confusion was on her face before she shoved herself further into Kates neck. Kate smiled before returning her attention to the tv, she loved the show. Though antiques didn't interest her much, she loved guessing the bidding price, Yelena said it was an idiotic way to watch a show. Though she could disagree and say it was simply creative.

Kate was happy with her little family, a cuddly girlfriend and one of the best dogs. She was a few episodes into the show before she realised the time. Yelena was still asleep. A moral dilemma. If Kate woke her, there would be pouts and whines galore. But if she didn't, the blonde would likely sleep even less than normal which ultimately made her grumpy along with disturbing both their nights sleeps. Kate argued with herself for many minutes before deciding the best course of actions was to wake her. She hated waking Yelena but in the end it would help. That's what she had to tell herself anyway.

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