chapter one

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              Fenris watches a couple fight in the middle of the boardwalk where he positioned his mat this fine Friday morning. He could hear them from his nest. the woman had just caught her husband cheating and she was cry-screaming at him in agony and the man was quiet. he didn't apologise or try to hang on to her like most men in his situation usually did. he kind of looked at her, head cocked, like he was puzzled by why she was in such a state. My curiosity was picked, I wanted to know what the reason behind his absentminded look was, and fuck I wasn't disappointed when the next words out of his mouth were " I don't understand why you're so mad at me when you've been sleeping with two of my best friends, the Gardner, and our barely legal pool boy" The woman gasped frozen and croaked a frightened " how long have you known?" "Pool boy told me two years ago, I just assumed you opened up our relationship and forgot to let me know" was his very detached answer. normal humans didn't react that coldly to something like cheatation from their spouse. I mean two years and she never even knew he was aware of her infidelities. She looked scared now like she was talking to a stone-cold murderer instead of her husband. "Do you want a divorce?" she asked, and I could see a glimmer of hope in her eyes that was quickly extinguished by his next word. " God no! you're barely a descent mother to the twins already, removing you from their immediate surrounding to where you don't have to interact with them daily will turn you into a shit parent so no divorce for you until the kids are ten, it's only three years away so you hang in there. I'm going to go back in there and see if I can salvage this date, she was really cute." he turned around and came face to face with the woman he'd been on a date with. I wonder what fresh drama was about to unfold with glee, Fuck, people-watching was fun! His view was suddenly blocked by a man in a long coat who looked at him worried.-You poor child why are you sitting out in the cold like that, where are your parents? He looked to be around his mid to late forties, he had kind eyes but Fenris had learned to not trust people's eyes they could be quite deceiving. But there was something about this stranger that made him take a second look, the man mistook him for a child because of his black curly hair, cherub baby face, and blue doe eyes. When he was sitting curled into himself like he was at present, he looked like a thirteen-year-old at most, which tended to attract the most unsavory types. You must be frozen, I'll go get you something to warm you up. the stranger added rushing into the café next door.One of my bodyguards whom I paid handsomely to blend into the background, and make sure nobody slipped me anything followed him inside. I've been doing this since I was thirteen. my brother had left home that year to go to college in another state for sophomore year. he'd stayed for freshman year because he was worried about leaving me alone with our horrible parents and I was worried about how well he would adapt to a new environment with new people. My brother and I had a weird relationship, we were both parents and siblings for each other, god knew our parents had no desire to parent either one of us. Leif was six years older than me and starved for affection, Living alone with only our parent's disregard had made him susceptible to anyone who would show him the least bit of affection. thankfully the very expensive psychiatrist we've been seeing since Leif was twelve cured him of that tendency or there would have been more than one kidnapping attempt he fell prey to. I did this to feel close to humanity and see how the world worked. It also stopped me from turning into a full-blown sociopath, since I lacked the usual human interactions I had when my brother still lived at home. My thirteen-year-old self was able to move into another apartment, by myself and without parental involvement easily and the birth-assholes only noticed two years after, when the male ones needed help because he'd managed to dunk the business in the red! Again!- Here you go little one, this will warm you up a bit. I accepted the cup throwing a furtive glance at the white bodyguard who signed that the drink wasn't spiked. I took a sip and coughed, the idiot gave me fucking hot chocolate! -Is this hot chocolate? I asked snapping my head up at him in surprise.- Yes, I'm told it is good for growing boys, coffee stunts your growth. he said with a straight face, completely secure in his delusion-What's your name?-Liam Smith and you? he couched down so he wasn't towering over me and was speaking in that tone humans instinctively adapt when speaking to a frightened and abused animal. If he wasn't being so noisily nice I would have laughed in his face.-Fenris-like the evil wolf god?-yes.- I hope your parents didn't know that particular bit when they named you.-They didn't, far be it for them to do some research, turned out to be accurate so props to them, I guess.-Don't say that, he cried out dropping on his knees to cup my face. I'm sure you're a very nice young man! You shouldn't let anybody tear you down.Damn, he was cute in his stupidity.-You strike me as the kind of dude who'd have called CPS right now.-I did, but please don't run away I swear this one is a nice guy and my friend.-That's good for you but I'm nineteen and CPS can't do shit for me.- Are you lying so I leave you alone?-Gosh no, you're way too fun!-You look way too small for nineteen.-because I have on layer upon layers under here so I don't freeze to death, and it makes my head look small in comparison.-I don't believe you. he pouted.So fucking cute!-here. I fished my driver's license from my tent-jacket handing it over to him. he was examining it with such care I scoffed. Wanna try gnawing on it with your teeth to see if it's not just a laminate job?-I did, that's why I was bending it twenty-three ways to Sunday.- You're an oddball, now that you know I'm not a minor you can go now-You're nineteen and still very much a teenager, and my grown-up mind can't justify leaving you outside in this cold.-I don't need any help, I'm people-watching.-It is not shameful to ask for help, you know? On the contrary, it's quite brave.-Nice, the moment I need Help I'll be sure to let you know!- Sarcasm won't solve anything!-So is being a blockhead, I'm fine out here go home! I wasn't willing to explain myself to this complete stranger regardless of how very compelling I found them.-If you don't like going to homeless shelters I could take you to my place so you have a warm place to sleep, I swear I'm not a weirdo or serial killer or anything like that.-I'm not homeless Liam go home! To shut down further back and forth I snapped my head away from him looking for my next story, hoping he would get the hint but the stubborn little shit huddled next to me in my cot said something to the effect of waiting until I was comfortable enough to follow him home. I scoffed and blocked him out, focusing on the people around me. It worked I was so focused on dissecting all the little interactions I was privy to, that I was startled by something vibrating erratically against my side. for fucksake, the foolhardy was about to twitch right out of his skin! I ripped the tent/jacket off and quickly wrapped it around him, zipping it shut so he didn't lose any more body heat, then unwrapped the heavy scarf from my neck to wrap it around his and the bottom half of his face. I had hand and feet warming packets in the jacket, I snatched them out and closed his hands around them. I don't know when it started but I noticed I was swearing the moment I took his shoes off and noticed the state of his feet. His shoes were completely inappropriate for this weather, they were surely not made for staying long periods of time in this cold.-You fucking bull-headed mulish dickhead, I'm definitely looking at mild frostbite on these toes! how have you survived to your old age with this little common sense?- Hey! I'm only thirty-nine! and this is all your fault.-I never asked you to stay out here, you came up with that stupid idea all by your lonesome. I growled alternating between applying the heat packs and gently massaging his feet. Wiggle your toes a bit! he did but not without wincing slightly. so maybe not frostbite yet but close enough. I snatched his shoes off the ground to dump them unceremoniously on his lap. Where is your car willful idiot?-you say the meanest shit while doing the nicest things, soooo weird!-Answer!-It's the black car over there!he was pointing at a sleek limo with an anxious driver pacing around, better dressed for the weather than his boss if I may add! Liam wasn't expecting me to pick him off the floor because he squeaked when I did and rose to my full 6 feet and 7 inches.-You are freakishly tall! he wondered. That's so far off the ground.

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