Chapter 1: Starting Fresh

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As I hear my alarm, I slowly open my eyes and yawned loudly.  When I open my eyes, the time said 6:00 AM, so thankfully I had plenty of time to get ready because school starts at 7:40 AM.  Sadly summer ended and I couldn't spend more time playing my flute, or phone calling my best friends, Jordan and Annalise. I have anxiety problems and people always leave me alone because I don't talk a lot other than in class because I'm a school nerd.

What people never knew was that I would always sing in the music room, when no one was there other than our band teacher.  I would sing all kinds of songs, but my favorite song to sing was Take a Hint because I loved how the girls just wanted to get the boys to leave them alone.

I got off my bed and went strait to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair.  After 15 minutes I finally finished in the bathroom, then I went to my closet to pick a pair of clothes for my first day of school.  When I looked in the closet, I saw a carefully wrapped blue box, with my name on it.

I wonder who this is from, I thought.  When I looked on the side I saw my dads handwriting and instantly knew it was dad, then I carefully unwrapped the present to make sure not to break anything, inside was a pair of new black high tops, a pair of light blue jean shorts, a white Off-the-shoulder shirt, and then I saw the most beautiful pair of gold hoop earrings and a golden heart necklace.  

How sweet of him, I thought with a smile.  I put on the clothes quickly and ran down the stairs to meet mom by the stairs.

"Good Morning Honey," My mom says to me.

"Good Morning, where's Brandon and Dad?"

"There gone as usual," Mom says with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Oh," I say hiding my anger and sadness from Mom.

"Do you have everything ready?"

"Yep! Also, I already did my thing up stairs just need to prepare my backpack, eat a snack, and then head out," I say to her with a smile.

"Alright I got your ADHD Meds on the counter," Mom says to me.

"Alright, thanks!"

Then, I head strait to the table and take my medicine, as I'm doing so, I see mom stressing about something, probably her work, I thought to myself.  I quickly pull together a cucumber and some dip for it. I quickly eat it and head towards the living room to pack my backpack, thankfully it school did not start till 7:40 because it was 6:50, although I left for the bus on 7:00, so I had to rush to get my watch and said bye to mom, then ran out the door and started to pace myself.

"Come on Megan," I mumble to myself, hopefully I don't miss the bus on the first day.

I looked at my surroundings to see the sun rising, leaves rustling, and the dark green grass surrounding the pavement.  I looked up ahead to see the bus pulling up, I was the only kid at our stop since my brother was in Freshmen.  Hopefully no kids bully me and I can focus on class, I also hope I don't snap at anyone.

As I pull up to the bus, I hear the doors open and I slowly start walking in, because I just ran up a huge hill to get to the bus stop, "You made it," the bus driver says to me with a smile.

"Yep, thanks." I mumble out to her.

"Seats are open in the back, and one seat is empty, feel free to sit were you like."

"Okay," I say silently.

As, I'm walking I feel everyone's eyes on me, and start feeling anxious, so I ran to the empty seat and sat down quickly.  Everyone stopped staring at me, and started talking again like a normal day.  Phew, I did not get noticed to much, I thought to myself.  To keep me entertained, I ended up putting my Air Pods in and listened to Bad Liar, I hummed the song softly

When the song finished, the bus came to the last stop, a new stop, hopefully there kind to me, I thought.

"Come on in," The bus driver says.

The door slowly opens to reveal a boy with a Black Bennie, with coffee brown hair, and the deepest brown eyes I've ever seen.

"Welcome," The bus driver says with a smile.

"Hello," The boy says.

"There is an empty seat next to the girl back there."

"Alright, thanks," He says with a smile.

His smile is so bright and so warming, he seemed friendly, but wait, the bus driver said that there was an empty seat next to a girl, but I'm the only girl with an empty seat, oh no.

"Can I sit here?" The boy asked.

"Sure," I mumble so softly.

"Sorry, I couldn't hear you," the boys says rubbing his neck.

I stared into his Chocolate brown eyes and nodded yes.

"Thank you, my names Zack," He says with a silly smile.

"My names Megan," I say with a nervous smile.

Why did this kid have to sit with me now I feel so nervous.  I sweat drop when Zack looks at me, and look back out the window.  I put my Air Pods back in and hum again, till I feel a tap on my right shoulder, I look over to see Zack smiling.

"Your humming is pretty, do you sing?" He asked with full curiosity.

"Uh well-"

I was about to say no when the bus pulls to a stop, Saved by the Bus, phew, another awkward situation stopped, thankfully.  I stood up and started walking off the bus, just when I get oof, I see Zack in front of me, "Want to walk to class with me?" He asks me.

I really did not want to, but when I'm around him I feel safe so I responded, "Sure."

"So, what's your first class?" He asks me and we start walking to the front of the middle school.

"Band, what about you?" I say softly.

"Same, I have some friends I haven't seen in a while, I'll introduce you to them, come on!"  Zack says as he takes my wrist and starts pulling me to the band room.

"You know I can walk right?" I say to him.

"Hehe Sorry about that, anyway were here."

I look up to see the band room open and see the band director standing out the front door.  I smile truly when I see my band teacher and run up to him, then hg him tightly.  He's like my second father to me and treats me like a daughter.

"How have you been?" He says to me with a smile.


"That's good, now I got to get stuff prepared for class see you soon!" He says before leaving me in the hallway.

I run back to Zack, to see him talking to 5 other guys in the cafeteria, they all looked so happy together, so I decided to leave them alone, but then someone grabbed my wrist, and I turned to see Zack Smiling at me.  He waves over to the 5 boys, signaling them to come over there.

"What are you doing?" I ask quietly.

"Introducing my friends to you that I talked about earlier," He says with a big grin on his face.

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