im on my way.

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May, 2013. Jungkook is sat in the tank, in amongst his men, the men his life depends on. there is a song humming in the back round whilst our nerves fill with adrenaline and fear.

it could be tomorrow, it could be today
when the sky takes the soul, the earth the clay.

the tank suddenly stops.
"What's going on?"
my mate, Yoongi yells.
"I think the lead vehicle's got a mechanical." Another voice yells back. It turns silent. We all look at one another. Fear, panic and realisation sets in.

It may be tomorrow, or it may be today.
I don't say it will be, but i just say it may.

the tank goes back to climbing along the rough track of the warzone.

When i'm on my knees, to the gates i stumble
And plead my case in a style that's humble
it could be tomorrow, or it could be tod-

The sound of bullets and explosions could be heard. The tank was set afire.

{see above video for context}

The pair got off the bus to find themselves back in their hometown. Thankfulness and love filled their bodies. They made it out alive.
"It feels weird being back here, after all of that. It feels different." spoke Yoongi.
"Looks the same to me" Jungkook shrugged, looking around.
"maybe it's us,"
"maybe it's you." Jungkook stood from tying his lace. "Look, the church is still there, the clocks still in shape and the streets definitely still smell of piss. so, what are we gonna do?"
"well, i know what i'm gonna do." Yoongi grinned. "but i should probably spare you the details."
"why?" Jungkook stared
"because it involves your sister!" The man laughed before being pushed onto the road only to be pulled back by Jungkooks side.

im on my way, from misery to happiness today
uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
im on my way, from misery to happiness today
uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
im on my way, to what i want from this world
and years from now, we'll make it to the next world

the pair happily danced and skipped together singing to the people passing by them, giving each new person a smile and a wave.

"Mum do you know where my car keys are?"Jennie ran into the room, investigating every surface.
"No i haven't seen them sweetie," Josephine spoke "have you looked under the stairs?"
"why would they be under ther- ah-hah!" she held the shiny keys up to her eyes and smiled. "mum, can you lend me twenty quid?"
"How are you skint already?" Mark walked into the room, snatching the note Josephine had just given her.
"Mum, tell him!" she exclaimed, jumping up to grab the £20 note off of her fathers hands.
"You two act like a couple of kids,"
"Oh my god!" Jennie screamed, seeing her boyfriends figure appear infront of her, running into his arms. "You said you wouldn't be back until tomorrow?"

sunshine on leith {Jikook au}Where stories live. Discover now