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Beep..Beep...Beep. A hand stops the alarm clock. ( Good Morning)
Ashley Ketcham eyes open to see her best friend awake. "Good morning Eevee. Are in ready for today." Ashley told Eevee.
Eevee let's out a big yip. ( yes, let's go.) Ashley laughs as she gets up. She knows what Eevee is saying because she understands pokemon.
"OK, OK. Let's me get dress." Ashley said, as she started get dress. "Ok, I am ready. Let's go." Ashley said, as she puts her backpack on her back. (Yay.) Eevee cheers.
As she and Eevee went downstairs. She saw her mum up and making breakfast.
Delia looks up, to see her daughter and Eevee up.
"Good morning darling, Eevee." Delia said.
Good morning/( Good Morning) both greeted. "Get, some breakfast before going to professor Oak lab." Eevee went towards their bowl and plate of their food and started eating.
"Is your brother still asleep." Delia asked. "Yup, you know how he is." Ashley said. (Done.) Eevee said, as her bowl was empty. "Ok, we are on our way to Professor Oak lab." Ashley said. "Before you go, give me a hug first." Delia said, Ashley went over and hugs her mom.
Eevee joined by rubbing her head, at Delia leg. "Ok, know off you go. I have to wait for your brother." She told her daughter.
"Ok mom." Ashley said. (Ok let's go.) Eevee said as she runs out the door.
"Wait for me Eevee." Ashley said, running after her friend.

Ashley was panting hard from running. She made it to Professor Oak lab. She was close with professor Oak, she help him as his assistant in his lab. Ever since she was five.
( I win.) Eevee yip at Ashley.
"Yay yay." Ashley mutters, as she entered the lab.
"Ashley my girl. I see you are here." Professor Oak said, as he sees Ashley was here.
"Yay, me and Eevee are here." Ashley said, ( Hello) Eevee yip. "You are the first trainer that is here." Professor Oak told.
"Well you know me, I love to get up early." Ashley said as she picks up Eevee and rubs her head. Eevee purrs as gets rub

"Well I to give you something. For your birthday and for helping in the lab for all those years." Professor Oak said, as he pulled out a Pokedex, but it was different.
"This is your Pokedex, it's came all the way from the Kalos Region. And also I want you to have this pokemon. She hatched two days ago. " Professor Oak said handing her a pokaball with a lighting bolt on it.
"Ok, go pokaball." Ashley throws the ball, and out came out was a Pichu.
(Huh) Pichu said. "Awww you are so cute. Ashley said. Pichu smiles as she saw Ashley .

Ashley was outside of Professor Oak lab, Eevee was on her shoulder while Pichu was in her arms. But she stops walks down the steps. But she stops as she see one person that annoys her.
Professor Oak grandson, Gary Oak.
"Hey, ashy." Gary said in a smug tone.
He will always bullies ash and flirt with her.
"Hey, Gary." Ashley mutters, Eevee let's out a growl. Pichu didn't know what was going on, but she glares at Gary.
"And your twin brother as late as usual." He said.
"Your late a lot of time Gary." Ashley said, as she walks away.
"And I saw your starter, and it looks pretty weak. It will probably lose." Gary mocks, Pichu glares at Gary not liking his comment. So she let's put a huge thunderbolt at him. ( take that.) Pichu shouted, as the thunderbolt hits Gary he let's out a scream.
After Pichu was done she let's out a smirk at Gary.
Ashley whistles in a impressed tone.
"Wow, even you are still a baby. You are strong." Ashley told Pichu, even Eevee nodded her head.
(Yeah Strong.) Eevee said.
Pichu was filled with pride at this. (Thanks.)

As the end of the stairs her mother was their with her and Ash, who was still in his pajamas.
"Ash, your stikl in your pajamas."  Ashley told.
"I know." Ash said, as he runs up the stairs.
"And sweetie I have something for you." Delia told her daughter. Ashley looks at see her mother holding a pokemon egg. "I found this, yesterday and I know that you will take care of it." Delia told her daughter.

" Delia told her daughter

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"Wow, thanks mom." Ashley said.
(Yeah, I will have a new sibling soon.) Eevee said. (I will be a big sister.) Pichu said sweetly.
Ashley she puts the egg in a egg incubator that she had. And puts it back in her bag.
"Oh, go Ashley and have a nice journey." Delia as see her daughter leaves.
"Bye mom, I will call you when I am at Viridian City." Ashley said.
"Ok, and I love you sweetheart." Delia called out.
Ashley walks to the forest and looks down at Eevee and Pichu. "You guys ready." She said.
(Yeah.) Both Eevee and Pichu cheered.
"Ok let's go." Ashley said, as they entered the forest.

Ashley Ketcham journey Where stories live. Discover now