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(Naida's POV)
I woke up on a table my head pounding and my chest sore and throbbing I groaned trying to get up "Woah hey" I saw Clarke and she pushed me back down "You shouldn't get up so quickly" I blinked a few times "What.. happened?" I asked "Well you were shot with an arrow but you know because of how stubborn you are you made it through" Octavia said I chuckled and then groaned because it hurt to laugh. "Hey princess.." I looked over and saw Bellamy and remebered what I'd said but then I saw Finn come in "You guys ready?" He asked "Look who's awake" Clarke said Finn looked to me and walked up "Please don't do that again" I smiled "I'll try" and then Murphy came in "Naida?" He asked rushing to me and hugging me "Ow! Not so hard Murph" I said as he backed away "Sorry kid" I then saw Raven come in as well "Hey. You're awake" She said "Where are you guys going?" I asked I saw everyone hesitate "Well uh.. the Exodus ship came down" Clarke began "That's good though. Isn't it?" I asked "It crashed" Finn said I sat up "Clarke I'm so sorry" I said she smiled but I knew it was fake "I'm just glad you're okay. I don't think I could've taken that too" "But then why are you going to it?" I asked "Just to see if something didn't blow up" Bell said "And to find out why it crashed" Raven added "Well I'm coming with you" I said getting up "You're not going anywhere like that" Murphy said "Well if you think I'm not going then you're crazy" I said "She can come as long as she can still defend herself" Raven said I scoffed and grabbed a knife and threw it right across her face. She then looked at it "Yep she's good let's go we're loosing daylight" She said leaving the dropship I smiled at Murphy and walked to grab my knife but Bellamy put his hand on my waist "Don't force yourself angel. We just got you back" I grabbed the knife "Well deal with it " I said then walking off putting my knife in my pants as everyone followed "I'm coming with you just in case" Murphy said I rolled my eyes and continued walking.
(Fast Forward to Exodus Crash)
"So where exactly is it?" Murphy asked "There" Raven pointed ahead of us and we all walked to where she was and saw the crash. Their were bits and pieces everywhere and it looked like a giant hole in the ground. "Come on" She said slowly walking down. "Uh can you?" Clarke asked "Maybe I'll stay he-" Bellamy picked me up and I yelped and he walked down with me "Seriously?" I said "Quiet princess" He said getting down and he then put me back on the ground "I hate you" I said "You love me" He said and I just walked off and looked around and saw an arm. "Ew" I said as everyone looked at me "I mean poor people" I said "It's okay Naida. It is pretty gross" Clarke said "Stay sharp. Grounder retaliation for what happened on the bridge us coming, just a matter of when" Bellamy said to the other guys he brought "Can you blame them?" Finn asked "No I blame you" Bellamy said to him "Maybe if you didn't bring guns-" Finn started but Raven interupted "If we didn't bring guns we all would've been killed" She said "Why they're coming doesn't matter anymore. It's our job to be ready when they do. We're on our own now" Bellamy said Finn kept staring at Clarke and Raven looked to him and saw him staring at her and saw Clarke back away from something disgusted "Clarke stop!" Raven yelled running to her me Finn and Bellamy ran behind her. "Rocket fuel?" Clarke asked "Hydrazine. Highly unstable in it's nonsolid form" Raven said as we all looked at a red liquid looking thing dripping down on the rocks. "If this stuff meets fire we're all pink mist" She said grabbing a rock and dipping it in the Hydrazine "Fire in the hole!" She yelled then threw the rock to a small fire and it made an explosion "We need to clear the area" Raven said "Okay then. We move in formation. No straggling, weapons hot! We got to get back before dark!" Bellamy yelled to climb back up the hole I doubt Bellamy could carry me without falling so I got down and began crawling up "What are you a cockroach?" Raven said "What do you suggest asshat?" I said and she extended her hand and I grabbed it as she helped me up the hole and we walked to camp. When we got there it was already dark. "Bellamy!" Someone yelled as they opened the door. It was Jasper. "Bree finally came back" He said and we all went to the dropship "Where is she?" Bellamy asked and we saw her curled up in the corner. She had been tortured. "Everyone but Connor and Derek out. Now!" Me, Finn and Clarke stayed as well. "She says she was with the grounders" Derek said "And she hit the trip wire. We thought someone was trying to sneak in" "I wasn't sneaking. I was running from the grounders" Bree said "Anyone see grounders?" Bellamy asked but Connor and Derek shook their heads. "But is she was with the grounders then she could know things that could help us" Finn said Clarke got closer to her and grabbed her hands "Her fingernails were torn off. They tortured her" Clarke said "Well, you and the grounders should compare notes" Finn said "The grounder know we're at war" Bellamy said "Bree. What did you tell them about us?" I asked kneeling in front of her "Everything" She said sobbing. Shit. Clarke got up. "Once she's better, we'll find out what she knows" She said leaving the dropship. I got up and went to my tent. I took off my top clothes when someone came in. "Naida-" I turned around quickly putting my shirt up against my chest. It was Bellamy. "Sorry I just wanted to talk but I'll wait outside" When he turned to leave I grabbed him and he looked at me. "Can you check the wound please?" I asked in a soft voice. He nodded and I slowly pulled down my shirt just enough to see the bandages. He then looked under it as I winced. "Sorry angel" He said "Don't be" I said "You're good but I'll come change the bandages during the night" Bell said looking down "Uh I'll wait for you to get changed" He said taking his hand off my shoulder. I grabbed his hand and put it on my chest before grabbing him and gently kissing him. "Naida" He said pushing me away "We should talk before getting into anything" He said moving his hands to my waist. "I want to do this right. I don't want to hurt you anymore" He said as his eyes started watering. "Okay, I'll be ready in a minute" I said as he nodded and left the tent. I then quickly changed and told him to come in. He sat down across from me. We just stared at each other for a minute. Tears forming in his eyes and the sorrow in mine. "When you.." He began before taking a breathe "When you told me.. about how much I kept hurting you. It made me think of the first time I ever hurt you" He said starting to cry. "I was 12 you were 11" I then felt tears streaming down my cheeks. "We were playing-" I cut him off "First to touch the ground loses" I said he smiled softly "We were jumping around on the couch. Me and Murphy trying to win. Octavia and you pretending to be princesses stranded. Murphy and I we're fighting and when I swung at him he ducked and I.." He stopped. And began to sob "I hit you." He said putting his hand over his mouth to muffle his cries. "We were kids. Messing around that wasn't your fault" I said to him "You fell on the ground and began to cry and Josie had to stop you from crying" Josie was my mother. It felt like we were a giant family. "I then came up to you and gave you a hug. Not wanting to let you go" He continued "I then said to you 'Forgive me my princess' As I put ice on the side of your eye where I'd hit you" I then looked down "That was also the first time we ever kissed" I said with a small laugh. "After apologizing you lifted my head up and kissed me where I had the bruise. Then my cheek and then.. you just looked at me. Like you still do" I said turning to him as he smiled with the same look on his face. "You grabbed my chin and kissed me so softly.. like you were afraid to hurt me again" I said with a sob "Bellamy I know you never meant to. Just like you didn't mean to now. It just-" I sighed "It feels like sometimes I'm with someone who not only wants me but other girls" I said shaking my head "It's just my overthinking Bell I-I can't stop it" He looked down and nodded "But I can tame it" He said looking at me "I love you. Only you Naida. Every time I think about you I feel my heart light up. Because you are the light of my life. Without you, I would have never made it this far" He then put his head against mine "Only you. Forever.. my princess" I smiled and kissed him softly. We then began making out. He then pulled away "We don't have to do anything Naida" He said I looked at him and wiped his tears. "I want this hurt to go away mi amor (my love) please.. make it go away" I said. He then kissed me softly at first but then a little faster. He then grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap. I had my finger running through his hair. "Naida" Someone said coming in and I quickly got off him. "Ugh gross!" It was Murphy "I'm never gonna get that out of my head" He said as me and Bell laughed "I was coming to check up on you but I think he's got you" He said smiling "And if she's ever like that again, I don't care if you're like my bro I will snap your neck" I then rolled my eyes and Bellamy put his arm around me "I won't" He said kissing my head "And uh don't get her pregnant" He said and I grabbed my boot and thew it at him "Out!" I yelled as he ran out laughing. Me and Bellamy laughed for a moment before looking at each other. "It's too bad. I would love to put a kid in you" Bell said "Shut up and fuck me" I said.

"My pleasure" He said pulling me onto his lap again kissing me. He then started to roll my hips guiding them as I felt his dick get harder and he groaned into the kiss. "You feel that princess? Only you make me that fucking hard" He said and I then took my shirt off and took his off kissing again. He then picked me up and layed me down. He then took his pants and boxers off as I took off mine and my panties. He placed himself at my entrance before I rolled ontop of him and shoved down on his dick and we both let out loud moans. He grabbed my hips guiding me as I moved up and down. I then went down and started kissing him. I then kissed his jaw going down his neck leaving hickeys everywhere "Baby, everyone's gonna see all of that" I then kissed him "That's the point" I said smirking and he smiled and I went down to his dick. I placed a kiss on it before licking it. He whimpered. I then slowly took him in my mouth and he groaned before moaning. I then kept licking him. I wanted everyone to hear how I made him felt. And how he was mine and only mine. I wanted to tease him so he remembered that I was the only one who made him feel so good. "Fuck amor you're teasing me" I then took him in my mouth to stop him from talking and he threw his head back moaning. I then began bobbing my head as he moaned. I then grabbed his hands so he could hold up my hair. My eyes started to water and I continued until I felt a warm liquid in my mouth and I tried to pull away but he kept me there. "Swallow it" He said and I did and he then grabbed my neck and kissed me roughly "You're such a fucking good girl for daddy aren't you?" He said shoving me down. He then gave me more hickeys then I did him. They were all over my neck and chest and he went down and started to suck on my tits and I started moaning. He had one in his mouth while he massaged the other one with his hand. He then went down to my pussy and started fingering me slowly. I moaned and grabbed his hand to make him go faster but he grabbed my hand and the other one putting it above my head. Tying it off. "You're gonna be a good girl for me since you decided to tease me" He then went down and kissed my clit as I whimpered. He then fingered me slowly and I moaned "Beg me to go faster. Beg me to let you cum baby girl" He said "Please please let me cum" I said "Who?" He said sternly as he curled his finger inside me and I let out a moan arching my back "Daddy please please let me cum!" I yelled which I think the whole camp heard but at that moment I didn't care. "Good girl" He said speeding up and I began moaning loudly holding onto the ropes. I then felt that knot in my stomach "Fuck daddy I'm gonna cum!" I said to him and he pulled his finger out sucking it. "Please let me cum please I'm so wet" I said as he stood up "I hope you're ready because it's gonna be a long night" He said before getting ontop of me shoving in me and I let out a loud moan. He was going in and out of me and he placed his hand on my stomach to feel how deep he was in me. He then wrapped his hand around my neck "Tell me you're mine. Mine only! To kiss! To fuck!" He said speeding up as I moaned "I'm yours only yours!" He then started massaging my tits again. "That's it. My good little slut" He said as he began kissing me till the knot came back "Fuck I'm gonna cum" I said and he sped up and I moaned louder "Bellamy fuck!" I moaned before cumming on him. He then pulled out of me cumming all over my stomach and boobs. We went on the whole night round after round because of my decision to tease him. We stopped the last round around 2 in the morning. He layed by my side panting. I then turned away yawning. He then pulled me closer to him by my waist spooning me. "I love you princess" He whispered in my ear I then turned to him "I love you too amor mio" (love of mine) he then went down and layed on my chest. I kissed his head and ran my fingers through his hair until we fell asleep.

Anyway good night sorry for the hold up. Love you guys byeeeee

I Was Always Yours. (Bellamy Blake x OC)Where stories live. Discover now