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We see Izuku and Gwen Arriving at The Cemetery as Izuku stops at the entrance as Gwen Looks at him

Gwen: Hey it's Okay i'm here for you 

Izuku Nodded as he entered and Walked towards a Tree Where His Aunts Grave was and it Read

Shomi Aizawa Mother & Aunt: 1992-2025

Izuku Kneeled down and cleared any dust of cut grass off as He saw A Picture of his AUnt 

Izuku: Hey Auntie.......It's Me Izuku I Know I haven't visited in a while I....Haven't been in this Universe 

The Wind Blew as You could Hear the rustling of leaves as Izuku Spoke

Izuku: *Sigh* I became a Spider-man named Spider-Deku and I Wasn't a good One i never held back but then I met a Guy named Miguel O'Harra who took me and Introduced me to *Looks at Gwen and Smiles* My Girlfriend 

Gwen: *SMiles* 

Izuku: She brought back my smile and Helped me and Now I'm starting to open up 

The Symbiotes came out of Izuku's Back

Izuku: I also made friends with aliens...One of who may be racist since he thought Miguel was a Taco Vender

Toxin: I Had Good Reason 

Carnage: Just shut up before you get the author in trouble

Izuku: *Chuckles* and Today.....If you were with me You'd be a grandma Because I adopted a child that makes me smile even brighter *Starts to cry* But it still feels Like a Huge piece of my life is missing because your not here But You don't have to worry 

If you were with me You'd be a grandma Because I adopted a child that makes me smile even brighter *Starts to cry* But it still feels Like a Huge piece of my life is missing because your not here But You don't have to worry 

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Izuku: *Smiling* Because I found Love and People who care for me and I'm keeping my promise to be a Hero for You AUntie


Shomi: Izuku

Izuku: Yes Auntie 

Shomi: If I Ever die or disappear or am gone one Day Promise me You'l be a hero No matter what 

Izuku: *Smiles* I Promise Auntie I will be the Bestest 

Shomi: *Hugs Izuku who Hugs back* 


Izuku: I Will be a Hero for you *Smiles* After All With Great Power  comes Great Responsibility 

As izuku Stood up The wind Blew as Leaves where being blew in a Straigt Line WHich went Upwards and Brushed past Izuku and Blew away in the sky and Izuku smiled 

Gwen: *SMiling* Lets go Home

IzukU: Yea Lets 

They walked away as the spirit of Shomi was standing there SMiling at Izuku

Shomi's Spirit: I love you My son

Izuku Looked back and saw nothing as he smiled 

Izuku: I love you to mom 

They Teleported out of there as shomi's Spirit smiled and disappeared as Someone who was standing behind a Tree came out and smiled 

They Teleported out of there as shomi's Spirit smiled and disappeared as Someone who was standing behind a Tree came out and smiled 

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Kurogiri: *Smiles* He's in good Hands SHomi *Lays Rose on Grave and Teleports away* 





THE HEARTBREAK OF TWO HEROESWhere stories live. Discover now