Drunk and Lustful

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Y/N is at a party, it's her first party outside of her hometown. She's alone and lost, she knows that there's no one waiting at home for her, but she doesn't need anyone, she's not really like other girls. She's been chatting up with a man named Matthew, and yes he's very hot. He's clearly drunk, his breath smells of alcohol but his eyes radiate nothing but allure. He leans towards her "Oh my god, he's gonna kiss me..." Y/N thinks. She's completely surprised though when he instead whispers in her ear,
"Darling, stay safe for me please...I...I need to take a massive shit."
He looks at his feet shamefully, he walks away to go take a massive shit. Y/N is left stunned.
"Oh my god...I-I never knew a man could be so honest about his bowels...Jesus that's so hot"
Y/N suddenly spies a man just outside her field of vision, he looks crusty and even drunker than Matthew. He's wearing a wife beater so she knew he was bad news. The crusty man walks up to Y/N. He opens his fat cocksucking mouth.
"I noticed you were talking to that...man whore back there, come home with me baby you know I could treat you right."
Y/N is shocked at the depravity of the man.
"I-I could never do that...I don't wanna go with you, don't you know...I'M NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS!"
"Oh but that's what I like, other girls attempt to preform at home casterstations on me...but I know you wouldn't."
Suddenly, Matthew runs up to the man and gets on top of him.
He begins to beat the man's face with his brass knuckles repeatedly, his fat jiggles as each punishing blow is dealt. After the fight Matthew quickly grabs Y/N by the wrist, she's too drunk to even realize what exactly is going on. She looks around her surroundings, she's in...a car...it smells of expensive cologne and men. She feels herself getting carried into a home bridal style, it's big and glamorous, she's lied down in a bed. She tries to yell for help, the last face she sees is Matthew's before she passes out from exhaustion.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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