Tongue Tied

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Skeppy taps away at his keyboard, his expression one of boredom. Bad has seemingly been gone forever, even if it was only 5 minutes. He paused his game, groaning and pulling his headset off for a moment. He runs his hand through his jet-black hair.

What's taking him so long? Skeppy thought, laying his head on his desk, I miss him...

Skeppy pictured his best friend in his head. Smiling at the thought of his light brown hair and bright forest green eyes. Skeppy could get lost in his eyes, even if it is only a mental picture. He wishes he could be with Bad all the time, but the ravenette would only become a stuttering mess after a while.

Skeppy was brought out of his thoughts by a faint voice calling his name from his headset. He shot up, a faint pinkish tint covering his face. Skeppy slipped his headset back over his ears and unpaused his game.

"Skeppyyyyyyy!" Bad called over his headset, crouching up and down in the game in front of his friend. "Are you there?"

"Mhm," Skeppy hummed, smiling at his monitor, as though his hyper friend could see him through the electronic screen, "Yeah I'm here."

"Finally!" Bad giggles, "I was calling your name for a while, you muffinhead!"

"Well, you took forever to ask your parents," Skeppy retorts, "At least I don't take forever to ask my parents a simple question!"

"Hey!" Bad calls, hitting Skeppy in the game. The game makes a loud sound in response, causing the teen to flinch back a little. "It didn't take that long! You are just impatient!"

"No! You are just slow!"

"Take that back!"

"No!" Skeppy sticks his tongue out at the monitor, even if Bad couldn't see him.

"Fine! Then I won't tell you what she said." Bad says, huffing at the younger's antics, "Because you are being a little muffinhead."

"No! Tell me!" Skeppy shouts, fake fear in his voice. Skeppy knew that Bad would tell him eventually. But he had decided to play along with his fib.

"Nope! That's the way the muffin crumbles." Bad chuckled, running away from Skeppy in their game as if to make a point.

"Bad, please!" Skeppy cried, drawing out his plea, "I'm sorry!"
"Hmm, no!"

"I'm sorry!" Skeppy tried again, a whining tone evident in his voice.

"What is that I hear?" Bad said, "Oh, sorry I couldn't hear you. Please try again."

"Bad, I'm sorry." Skeppy apologized, his voice muffled by the sleeves of his hoodie. "Please tell me what your mom said?"

"Oh, an I'm sorry," Bad said, giggling when he heard Skeppy groan, "From the ever-so-popular Skeppy? Oh, what a splendid day this is! A splendid day indeed."

"Bad." Skeppy stated, moving his sweater paws from out in front of his face, "Just tell me what your mom said."

"She said," Bad replied, "Drum roll please!"

Skeppy sighed but obliged with the older's request. He drum rolled on his desk, his fingers hurting a little as they thudded against his wooden desk.

"Yes! She said I could go tomorrow!"

"YES! WOO!" Skeppy shouted, his face grinning at the news. His mouth almost hurt from how large his grin was, "I GET TO HAVE THE BADBOYHALO AT MY PARTY!"

Bad giggled at Skeppy delight, the small noise causing a light pink to be dusted across his face.

"Skeppy! Calm down or your mom will be mad at you," Bad giggled, before adding "Again!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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