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a week flew by like nothing and I really liked being here. Me and Felix became best friends and I became really good friends with Jeongin, Seungmin, Hyunjin, Chan and Changbin.

We were in a class when teachers gave us a project. We was supposed to be in pairs and make a presentation about our holidays. It was supposed to be really long and it would take a lot of work. We couldn't be with our seatmates tho. The teacher told us to find our partner and sit next to him, we had time until next week to finish it. Felix instantly looked at Hyunjin and he instantly looked at Felix.
"They are so synchronized, I ship them." I said to myself
unfortunately, seungmin already paired with Chan and jeongin paired with changbin, so I was left alone. As I was looking around the class, looking who I could pair with, my eyes locked at Minho. Felix said he was cold, but I really don't think so, even tho I didn't see him talk with anyone this whole week. This was my chance to know more about him, so I walked towards him.



"Can I be your partner?" the new guy asked.
I was kinda shocked, it was the first time when someone asked me that. Before he came into this class, it had odd number, so I was always by myself, even tho the teacher asked me if I wanted to be in a group of three, I refused. I knew he was the only one who will ask me, so I agreed. He sat next to me and we were silent for a while.
"So, I really don't think we will finish it in this lesson, so, do you want to come to my house and finish it there?" he asked me.
I was freaking out at this point. I just looked at him like an idiot. I think he noticed I was nervous, so he said: "we don't need to of course, it was just a proposal."
"n-no sorry, yeah, we can finish it at your house" I said, even tho I was still freaking out. I wasn't used to this.


I saw he wasn't really comfortable. I had no idea why. The only thing I knew was he wasn't talking with anyone, because all of them thought he was scary and cold hearted. I still can't see it.
"so, wait for me in front of school, so we can go to my place, sounds good?" I told him while we were planning how to make our presentation.
"sure." he told me.
I saw he still wasn't comfortable, but from the time we started talking, he looked more relaxed and talked more, still little shocked tho. After the class ended, I went to my seat. Felix came and told me "sung I'm sorry you have to be with Minho, it's must be terrible, was he mean to you?"
"no, not at all. I still don't see the "cold hearted" side of him." I said. Felix looked really confused and gave me a look that said "really?", and looked at Minho.

When the school ended, I was kind of exhausted, but then I saw Minho and went to him.
"hi, so, can we go now?" I asked him. He just nodded.
as we started walking, I realized something.
"shit." I said

Minho was confused
"what's wrong?" He asked

"Today is Wednesday, my mom is at work, on Wednesdays I'm picking my little sister from kindergarten. I really have to go there, do you mind if we went there first?" I asked and was staring to panic a little, it was kind of late and I hoped it wasn't closed yet. I started to play with my fingers and started panicking a little bit


oh, so he has a little sister. I realized it was kind of late and I looked at jisung. He knew it too.
"no, of course not, let's go pick up your sister."
I told him

he looked revealed, but told me:
"Well we should hurry."

he started running, so I ran after him. We made it to the kindergarten.
He ran inside and yelled "ARII!!"
A little girl saw him and ran up to him. He picked her up and spinned her around.
He looked so cute...I MEAN WHAT?!?? WHAT AM I THINKING?!??
I looked at his sister, she looked exactly like him. He then went to the teacher.
"I'm so sorry I hope I'm not here too late."

"No, it's okay, I still have Wooyeo and Yuri here, don't worry, have a nice day Han" the teacher said.

He picked up her things, while still carrying her and we went home. It was clear he really loves his sister


I was revealed that I wasn't late and I carried Ari away.
She then noticed Minho, and asked me: "oppa, who is that?"

"That's Minho, I'm doing a project with him."
I said to her. She then observed Minho and to my surprise, he smiled at her. She laughed and hugged me tighter. All the way home Minho and Ari made funny faces at each other. I found it so odd and interesting at the same time. THE Lee Minho who was supposed to be cold hearted is now making a funny and weird faces at my little sister.
I was looking at their expressions and laughed with them. then we arrived home, I unlocked the door and put Ari down, she went inside and I looked at minho, and I laughed

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