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he hugged me and I had no idea how to react. I just stood there. Even tho my stomach did the thing again, I didn't return the hug.
He then pulled away and said "we should do some of the project if we want to get it done."
I returned to earth and just nodded. We sat on the ground and talked about the presentation.


I hugged him because I was feeling bad for him. Maybe it was bad idea. I'm just gonna pretend it never happened.
We have to do the presentation about our holiday, so I asked him: "what did you even do?"

he said: "nothing really, I was just laying in my bed and watching kdramas"

I chuckled a little bit.
Then I responded: "we can't write that there, it must be at least fifteen minutes long and my summer wasn't that interesting too."

minho asked me: "what did YOU do?"

I stayed silent.

"is something wrong?" minho asked me

I looked into his eyes. I got lost in them. Suddenly I wanted to tell him everything, I couldn't keep anything from those eyes.
my eyes started watering and I started talking:
"this was the worst summer in my life. My dad is a famous politician. He was cheating on my mom with so many women, then he found one who he liked. She's twenty years younger then him. He wanted to start a family with her, so he threw me, my sister and my mom to this house, really far away from him, while he married that young girl. He abandoned us. He never called, not even on my birthday, which was few days ago. He just act's like
we don't exist."

as I finish, my leg started shaking. Just thinking about my dad's betrayal is making me stressed and anxious. Tears started coming out of my eyes, I didn't have the courage to look at Minho, so I just buried my head in my thighs and started silently crying.


I had no idea what to do right now. This poor guy just told me his biggest burden and now is shaking his legs, crying. I'm not really good at comforting people, so I just patted his back lightly. He raised his head and I could see into his eyes. They were shiny from the tears, but still beautiful. The only way to comfort him I could think of was hug. I'm not good at those. So I  just opened my arms. He looked confused for a while. When he realized what I was doing, he hugged me, but this time, I hugged him back


I can't believe I just told him this. I regret it so much. I don't even really know him, but for some reason I told him my biggest secret even my best friend doesn't know. I felt he was aware of this. When I calmed down a little bit, I pulled away. I felt like he wasn't comfortable with hugs.
he then thought for a while and to asked me:
"what about Ari? Does she know?"

"No, of course not. How can you tell six year old child her dad doesn't care about her, that her dad doesn't love her. I could never break her heart like that. We told her dad sent us on a vacation, because he was so busy. She believes it."

Minho looked like he didn't know what to do. He wanted to cheer him up.
"Are you hungry? We could eat something, like, night snacks."
he asked

"I'm not, but if you're hungry, we can go find something."

he agreed

we quickly and quietly went downstairs and I gave him something to eat.

"I'm going to check on Ari, wait here and eat."
I told him and I went to check Ari.

I then went downstairs, Minho already finished his snack. I checked the time, it was 1:48.

"Damn, it's really late." I told Minho

"yeah, I also noticed" Minho said

"do you wanna stay at our house? it's late and it's dark, no way I'm letting you leave at these circumstances." I said


and again, my stomach did the thing AGAIN, it's like fourth time ONLY THIS NIGHT. But he was right, it was late, and I was really tired, I didn't want to go all the way to my house.

"only if it's okay with you." I said, not to look weird

jisung laughed a little, then he told me:
"you're gonna sleep on the sofa tho"

I nodded.

"wait here." he said. He left for a while and came back with pillow and blanket. He gave them to me.
"Thank you." I said

"if you need me, I will be upstairs in my room, try not to wake Ari up" jisung said, then he turned and went upstairs to his room.
I just lay down and think for a while. This was the most enjoyable day I ever had. I then went to sleep with the biggest smile thinking about the tea party with Jisung and Ari

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