Leave That For The Adults |4|

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Warning(s): Some angst, swearing, mentions of underage drinking, intoxication, dry heaving, gagging & throwing up


Tara, Mindy, Chad and Ethan were once again over at your and Anika's apartment to hang out with her. She tried to convince you to hang out with them but you weren't interested. Your answer was always the same whenever she asked.

They just weren't your crowd. They weren't in high school and they aren't now. You were fine with that. Anika on the other hand wanted you to get to know them. They were friends with her girlfriend and became her own. She wanted all of you to get along.

She was fully aware of your rocky relationship with Tara but that wasn't going to stop her from trying. Anika only knew a few things; you and tara have hated each other since high school and according to Mindy it started out of the blue.

"Chad I swear to god if you don't stop throwing that blue shell at me," Tara said as she swerved along with her kart on the screen. "It's not my fault your reflexes on Mario Kart suck–" Tara threw a pillow at him "–hey! No pillow throwing."

"Aaaand victory is mine!" Mindy raised her arms victoriously. "Take that losers," she smirked while the rest of them groaned.

"Winner gets to choose where we eat for dinner and I say that diner around the corner." After a few minutes they start to get ready to leave. "Oh hold on one second," Anika said before approaching your bedroom door and knocking.

"Yeah?" She heard you ask from the other side. "We're going to that diner around the corner. You wanna come?" Shit. Anika knew damn well it was your favorite place to eat. The only flaw is that it doesn't deliver.

Your roommate heard groaning and shuffling before the door swung open. "Sure I'm in." You were wearing jeans and a Batman shirt that looked a little too thin for the chill fall weather. "Aren't you going to be a bit cold?" She asked before you rolled your head back and grabbed your older brother's letterman jacket.

"I'll take this. Happy mom?" She rolled her eyes before replying. "Very, now come on."

The walk over was short but you still trailed behind them the entire time. When you all sat in a booth you chose to hide with a menu by holding it up in front of your face. You stared at the menu as if you weren't going to order your usual. Anika and Mindy sit beside you as Ethan, Chad and Tara sit in front of you.

They have multiple conversations that you choose to stay out of until you hear your name. "So, Y/N, you like Batman?" You put down the menu and tilt your head slightly, looking at the curly haired boy who had spoken.

"It's just I noticed your Batman shirt," Ethan continued as he briefly pointed to the shirt you were wearing. "Oh yeah. He's cool. You?" He smiled and nodded.

A conversation between the two of you – that was Ethan asking you questions and you responding with a short answer or hum – eventually picked up. During all this you couldn't help but feel like you were being stared at but chose to ignore it. Your conversation with Ethan was put on pause when the food came. You quietly munched on your fries until Tara spoke up.

"So, Y/N–" here we go "–you only come out of your room for food and the occasional bathroom breaks...you're kind of like a deer." She took a bite of one of her onion rings. "A deer? What– well you're five foot nothin' so I don't know why you're talkin'." You shot back. It wasn't the first time somebody's compared your habits to a deer.

"I'm five foot one!" She defended with a scoff before you responded. "But who's keeping track, right? And speaking of which–" everybody at the table were now staring at the both of you "–why are you keeping track of my routine anyways?"

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