Chapter 1.

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Red. The color of blood. The revolting stench it had. I hated it....

So why am I here...?

In this place , spilled with blood all over. Why?

-2 years ago-

"Mama!! I'm home!!" Young Y/n called enthusiastically , confident that she had completed her task. It was oddly quiet ,  so quiet that something bad must have happened....

"Mama?" Young Y/n called out innocently , sensing that something was wrong...There had been recent sightings of Demons lurking around the area , surely nothing happened... Right?

"AGH- Y/N RUN AWA-" The screeching voice of her mother pained her ears. She quickly dropped all the berries she was holding as she rushed to the two-storey cottage her mother along with her lived in.

"NO!" y/n cried as she slammed the door open , devastated. "Oh my , little child~ I was waiting for you.... Hehe~" The demon whispered disturbingly as it inched it's way closer to Y/n.

"S-stay away from ME!" Y/n yelled , unable to control all the emotions within her as she lost all her strength in her legs and fell down , next to her mother's limp body.

"Oh my~ Why do you cr-" The demon started off , trying to sound as sarcastic as possible when she was interrupted by a sweet voice laced with poison beneath.

"Ara~? What's going on here~" A sweet voice rang out as she held out what looked like a katana. "Ooh~  A hashira~?" The demon chanted as it activated it's demon art.

Several bees were released as Y/n used her hands to shield herself. "What an intriguing demon art! Such a pity I have to kill you~" The sweet sing-song voice rang out as she quickly hit the demon.

"You can't even decapitate m-" The demon yelled as the sound of gurgling blood was formed , it slowly lost it's balance before falling limp. "Young child , what's your name?" The sweet voice said , sincerely, as she approached Y/n.

Y/n peered up to see a lady , looking too much as a butterfly as she whispered " Y-Y/n...L/n.." The butterfly like lady smiled sweetly as she sang out " Would you like to live under my care Y/n?" 

"Eh? " Was the only thing that came out of Y/n's mouth as she looked at the lady , puzzled. " Oh! Apologies!" The voice came again . "N-no!! A-actually I would love t-to..." Y/n stuttered . "Oh my ! My name is Kocho Shinobu! Nice to meet you~!" Shinobu said as she extended her hand to Y/n.

Y/n took Shinobu's hands without any hesitations as the two of them walked to the butterfly mansion , Shinobu's warm hand holding Y/n's as Y/n held her hand tightly.

-2 year timeskip-

"Y/n chan~ Don't get too exhausted~" Shinobu chanted softly as she forced Y/n to master total concentration breathing.

Kny x Mha , Y/n x MuichiroWhere stories live. Discover now