6. Sam

21 2 0

I unlock my phone, open WhatsApp and go to my brothers contact.

<< Tay>>


<<I don't know, do you want to ask me something else?>>

<<Absolutely>> <<Do you have photos of her?>>

<< Lana posted an Instagram story>>

I get an answer a couple of minutes after.

<< Man, is that you? You look so pretty>>

<<I guess I'll take that as a compliment>> <<But do you find her pretty or not?>>

<<Because you are scared that if you bring her home I'll try to seduce her?

<<Haha, so funny>> <<No, I just want to have an opinion from a person that is NOT going to be part of this, okay?>>

<< Okay but can I tell Matt?>>

<<That other rat who only wears tracksuits? >> << I don't mind>>

<< Thanks ☺>> << I'm gonna tell him>>

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