Enemies not allies

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It's been two years since Y/n and Taehyung died in the blast and their families never recovered from the loss, specially their brothers.

Two years of mourning, two years of trying to move on and failing to do so and two years of failing to find the reasons of their siblings' death. The pattern was the same.

Now, they find something. Something that violates the pattern. What will happen now as none of them have forgotten what happened the last time something changed?

Valencia, Spain

Two people were sitting in an office at one of their mansions discussing business. One young, other older.

"Now is the time to strike. They are vulnerable. Those stupid idiots still mourn their siblings. We hit them now and we hit them hard. "

"No, they are not. They lost their brother and sister, they will do everything in their power to keep the ones alive that way."

"He is right." Said another person who just entered the room.

"When did you came here?" Asked younger of the two.

"That is not important. What we are telling you, that's important. Those people are Lions, who are more vicious when injured. After the blast, they have buried themselves in their work. And if they were ruthless earlier, they are absolutely lethal now. They are like a wall that can't be breached."

"So, we can't to anything?"

The newcomer smirked. "Who said that? Finding holes in such walls is my speciality."

"So, what do you have for us?" The older one asked leaning back in his chair.

"As you know the members of Kim familia, including Minjun, Eunwoo and Yohan, went back to the States a few months after the blast and Kim familia remained in Korea. But the meet each other once a month to discuss what they've found about the blast and who is responsible for the death of Kang Y/n and Kim Taehyung."

The younger one rolled his eyes. "We all know that. But they never have a fixed location and only one member of each of the familia comes."

"Yes, and I've found the location for their latest meeting. They are meeting in Berlin, Germany." The newcomer said and the other two looked at her in disbelief.

"I don't believe it." The older one said. "Their security is unbreakable. If they don't want something to be found then it won't be found."

"But children can never keep something hidden from their mother for too long." Young-ja laughed and the other two joined her.

"You are something else." The older man or as we can call him Han Si-woo said.

"You might be the only mother who wants to kill her children." Said Han Ryung the son of Si-woo and Young-ja and the heir to Han familia.

"All except you, my boy. You are my son with the only man I've ever loved, the only one I ever wanted. The others were forced upon me. Thank god, there's only one of them left now."

"Not for long, not if everything goes according to the plan." Si-woo said. "It's time the Trinity comes back, only it would be as enemies not allies. And this time the Han familia win conquer the other two and be the undisputed rulers as we were always supposed to be."

The States

Yohan was sitting in his room, looking a photo of him and Y/n. He was kissing her cheek and she had her eyes closed with the brightest smile on her face. He felt tears dwelling in his eyes as he caressed her face through the screen.

She would have been twenty today. He took out his phone and dialed a number, he has been paying the bill of for the past two years.

It's the last time. He thought but that's what he said last time and the one before that and the one before.

He waited for sometime before her voice came from the other side.

"Hey, it's Y/n. I'm busy right now, so if you have anything important to say to me then leave a message. I'll call you back."

A beep rang and he spoke.

"Hey, Y/n. It's Yohan, as you know. Happy birthday, love. It's your twentieth birthday and unfortunately you are not here to do the things for it from your My Birthday Bucket List. So, I've taken the liberty to do it like last year and gave flowers to every elder I saw today, just like I gave treats to all the street dogs last year. Everyone thought I have gone mad, all except Minjun, who is the only person who knows about your wierd list and goes with me to fulfil it."

"One old lady thought Minjun had some wierd kink and is into old people and gave him a long lecture about it. God's! You should have seen his face." He let out a laugh but it was a sad one. "He isn't doing much better today than last year. He almost beat a guy to death last year who only wished him Happy birthday, it took four people to stop him."

"Not that I am any better. I miss you so much that it hurts. You know I've never had any regrets in my life, not one except not being able to spend more time with you. Not being able to hug you, kiss you or even just being able to look at your face and your beautiful smile. And not being able to tell you how much I love you, not being able to show you the depth of my feelings for you."

"But I promise you. If there is something such as next life or another world, I'll find you and we'd get to do everything we couldn't. I'd not be a coward and tell you about my feelings earlier and we'd shine so bright that even the stars would be jealous. I promise you."

Suddenly, someone knocked on his door. He wiped the tears that had fallen and went to open the door. Minjun was standing there, his eyes as red as he was sure his were.

"They took the bait." Minjun said and Yohan sighed, finally they could put the end to those who were behind the death of their loved ones. "Also, we received an un message."


"Fire cannot kill fire.
Water has eternal life.
Air is there even when we can't see it."

"That's easy. They are referring to the Trinity symbol."

"Yeah, the fucking symbol that started it all." Minjun spat out.

"And the one which will finish it all." Yohan said, suppressing his anger. "Did the Kim's receive it too?" He asked.


"Well then, it's time for a reunion for all the boys."

Here's the first chapter of the second book. I can't tell you how excited I am for this book.

I hope you all like this chapter and I bet that you didn't expect that Young-ja part. Tell me what do you think about Yohan's messages.

See you in the next one.
Till then,
Stay, Safe. Stay, happy.

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