Little red riding hood

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Once upon a time, there was a little irl who lived with her parents in a village at the edge of a deep, dark wood. She always wore a red riding cloak when she was out and about, and so everybody in the village called her Little Red Riding Hood
One daw, her mother packed a basket with some chocolate biscuits, a fruit cake and an apple ple, and asked Little Red Riding Hood to take them to her grandmotner, who lived on the other side of the wood.
"Now don' dawdle. and remember nos to talk to strangers " her mother warned
Little Red Kiding Hood nodded, put her cloak around her shoulders and set off.
As she walked, a wolf appeared from behind a tree and, in a friendly voice, asked Little Red Riding Hood where she was going.
'm taking these treats to my grandmother - she lives on the other side of the wood," Little Red Riding Hood replied, forgetting what her
mother had told her,
Then, realising her mistake, she added"! must be
getting on my way now, though," and hurried away from the wolf.
Little Red Riding Hood continued along the path, pausing now and then to pick flowers to brighten up her grandmother's house. The wolf, however, knew a short-cut through the woods. He raced along it and reached the house long before Little Red Riding Hood. He knocked gently at the door.
"Who is it?" came a feeble voice from inside
"It's your
Granddaughter ,
roleo the wol. outing on his
best little-gul voice.
"I've brought you some treats."
"Ah, Little Red Riding Hood - how kind of you to come all this way!"
rolled grandma with actiont as she oponed the door and peered out, she barely had time to take in the sight of the wolf on her doorstep before he knocked her out and stepped inside. The wolf locked Grandma in the closet and dressed himself in her clothes - a flowing nightgown and a bonnet. he lay down in her bed and waited for Little Red Riding Hood to arrive
When Little Red Riding Hood got to the house, she knocked at the door and went in then she asked her grandmother why is your nose big the wolf replied to smell you why do you have big eyes the wolf replied to see you why do you have big ears the wolf replied to hear you why do you have big teeth the wolf replied to eat the little red riding hood screamed help the neighbors heard her and came rushing with a nife and killed the wolf and got the grandmother out and there happily ever after  (TheEnd)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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