He's being weird

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A/N!!! Ages for all characters(none are mine) Have been moved up to 16-19 years of age!!!!

Enjoy loves<33

Toshiaki POV:

My alarm clock rang, that annoying sound can not be avoided... I have to get up.

Groaning, I slip out of my bed, wearing my favorite oversized baseball T-shirt, it was given to me one Christmas. I walk to my bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. I have always had dark spots under my eyes, but it has been fixable with my recent makeup skills. I only ever started to wear it a couple weeks back. For some girls were commenting about it in their gossip circles at school. Before that I've never given them any thought, but now... I did.

I shake the thought away, grabbing a brush from the drawers in the cabinet, Brushing through my messy hair.

After I fixed my hair I grab the skincare bag I hide under the sink, I got embarrassed having people know I wear makeup. So I never told anyone, not even Nassor. He's never said anything about it. And this has been going on for three weeks now.

I grab the bottle for under my eyes. I apply a dab of the skin coloured fluid on the dark bags. I take a hold of my brush to smooth out the colour.

I smile, No more dark spots! My smile goes away when I glance at the clock reading- 7:36. "Oh S-shit!" I gasp. I run to my room and throw on an outfit, grabbing my bag I rush down the stairs, Passing the table where I'm supposed to have my breakfast. I guess I won't eat. I thought. I run out the door to be knocked down by-


I grin shyly, still on the ground. I always have been shy with anyone, even my best friend. "H-help me up d-d-dummy" I say quietly. He smirks, Extending his long pale hand out for my reach. I gratefully grab his hand with mine and lift myself up.

As we walk down the streets of New Holland, I glance at Nassor, his tall lanky form moves in sync with mine. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Nassor spoke up. "You slept in later than usual, is everything alright?" He slurs the S sound with his lisp.

I frantically nod, "Y-yes I'm all g-good" I get quieter at each word. Nassor didn't take that well, because he stopped walking. He turned towards me with his eyebrow raised. He knows I'm lying, I wince. No he doesn't! How could he? you're a great liar, He won't see through you! My eyes widen, my thoughts were going crazy. He pears through my very soul with his worst glare, he's reading me.

"Toshiaki..." He warns. Okay! Good time to tell the truth now right? Screw you thoughts. "I to-told you... I'm o-okay N-na-nassor" I give my most convincing smile ever. Though I guess he's not convinced, as he keeps glaring. He eventually shrugs it off, remembering we have school.

"Okay.." He whispers, his deep voice sending shivers down my spine. He can be really scary sometimes.

Nassor POV:

"Toshiaki..." I say, He knows I know he's lying. Still he refuses to come clean about it. I continue to glare, a smirk curling my lips as he squirms under my looks. But I don't let my face change. "I to-told you... I'm o-okay N-na-nassor" he stutters out. I smirk, quickly. He always stutters more when he's lying or afraid. But in this case, he's lying to me. I shake off the conversation, almost like it never happened. I turn away, looking back.

I clear my throat, one last glance at this boys small frame. "We have school don't we?.. Toshiaki?" I smile, leaning on the S of his name. He gasps. "R-right! L-l-let's go!" He almost yells. He grabs my hand and we run towards the very hell we go to everyday. He makes it better though.

(Time skip to school<3))

Toshiaki POV:

Luckily we made it on time, before the bell rung for class, we threw ourselves into our desks. Or at least I did. Nassor slowly sat down in his chair three desks back behind me.

So stubborn~Toshiaki x Nassor~Where stories live. Discover now