Chapter 1 - Acorn's Off Day

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"Lillie! Can you cover front real quick? I need to go to the toilet." Lillie's coworker bestie, Chelsea, asked.

"Yeah, no problem. Run! While you can!" Lillie half-joked.

She worked in a quant little coffee shop, cosy with cats and dogs that roamed around freely. They weren't contained to the shop by any means, they could come and go as they liked. There was even a built in pet flap so if any stray cats or dogs wanted to come in, they could stop by, get a wash, grab a drink and get some fuss.

"Hiya, what can I - Acorn?" Lillie stopped mid-sentence. "What are you doing here? My shift doesn't end for another..." she gave a quick glance at the clock, "four hours."

"I wanted to visit you." Acorn gave her a grin, their wings tucked behind them. Well, as tucked as they could get them. Their wings always touched the floor when they were folded, meaning they had to clean them regularly.

Lillie blushed a little, "You're cute."

"Whaaat? Is there something wrong with visiting my girlfriend while she's at work?" Acorn joked, a playful pout on their face.

"I never said there was." Lillie sighed softly, a small smile on her face. "What can I get you, love?"

"Hmmm, a medium cappuccino to drink in, please." Acorn grinned, pulling out their wallet.

Lillie shook her hands, "It's on the house. Don't you even think of paying." There was a playful gare on her face, no harsh intent whatsoever.

"I'm tipping the barista." Acorn smirked, pulling out a fiver and putting it in the tip jar. "Cheeky." Lillie remarked, "It'll only take a moment."

Lillie began making their drink, Acorn admiring her the whole time. "Whatcha staring at, A?" Lillie asked as she started to sprinkle chocolate dust ontop the capp.

"You." Acorn said without any hesitation. Lillie froze just as she placed the cup down, her face going pink. "Y-you can't say stuff like that while I'm working!" Lillie said in a hushed whisper, "It's unprofessional!".

Acorn pouted a little, "Fine... thanks for the coffee."

Just as Acorn picked up the saucer with the cup on it, they heard a sighed behind them before Lillie said, "I love you..."

With a smile back on their face Acorn looked at their girlfriend with loving eyes, "I love you too!"


Acorn had ended up waiting for the remaining four hours of Lillie's shift.

Every so often Lillie would catch them staring and they'd look away flustered at being caught. They wrapped themselves partially in their wings, sipping their capp till it was all gone. They brought a couple mangas with them to keep themselves pre-occupied (they hid them in their wings, it was oddly convient; like a permenant bag).

"I'm finished." Lillie said as she walked over to where Acorn was sat. Her partner grinned happily in response, "Yay!! Let's go home! I want cuddles, movies and takeaway."

"Is that really why you waited so long?" Lillie chuckled lightly.

"Not the only reason..." Acorn admitted shyly, "But that's all you get out! Now c'monnnn!!"

Acorn practically dragged Lillie out the cafe, eager to get home.

"Slow down, love! What's the rush?" Lillie laughed a little.

"Just c'monnnn!!" came Acorn's reply.

The thought that Acorn had prepared something special sprung to Lillie's mind, but she found when they finally got home nothing was out of the ordinary in their rented flat. No candles, no petals, nothing.

"C'mon!! I'll sort the popcorn, just go get changed and pick a movie!" Acorn urged, already making a beeline for the walk-in kitchen.

Their flat was open planned, with the dining room being infront of the walkway, the living room to the right and the kitchen in the back right. The only rooms were their shared bedroom and the bathroom to the left.

"Alright, hun..." Lillie said, making her way to their bedroom. Something didn't feel right to her, their whole demeanor was slightly off.

Once the popcorn was made, they were both in cosy clothes and the movie was picked (sweet and salty, oodies and Nimona), they snuggled in for a movie night after Acorn dusted their wings a little.

Acorn had Lillie pressed onto their chest, their wing under their back and curled around them like an impromptu blanket. An arm rested around her too, Lillie being pulled as close as possible.

It got to halfway through the movie until Lillie finally found the courage to ask.

"Love, are you ok?"

Acorn flinched a little, "Yeah... I'm fine."

Lillie paused the movie, more concerned on her partner now. "Hun, what's wrong?"

Acorn fidgeted a little, playing with one of their feathers. "I... I dunno, I just... I feel really clingy today..." they tried to explain. "I feel lonely and... I dunno, it's stupid." Acorn's face which was faced down was brought up to face Lillie's as she caressed their cheek.

Acorn leaned into her touch.

"It's not stupid. I'm glad you told me, love. I'm proud of you. I know it's hard for you to talk about these things." Lillie stroked her finger on their cheek comfortingly. "Let's spend the night cuddling, I won't leave your side at all. Ok?"

"Really?" Acorn asked, despite being together for four years, they still were in disbelief every time Lillie showed genuine love and care.

"Of course. I love you, Acorn. Ok? And that includes when you have your clingy days." Lillie gave them a chaste kiss on the nose.

"I love you too... I'm so lucky to have you."

"I'm lucky to have you."

They both grinned at eachother, before leaning in and giving a sweet kiss before resuming the movie.

The rest of the night was peaceful, filled with sweet kisses, kind words, and lots of movies till 2am.

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