A Drunken Assault

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She was being groped by this drunk guy, in the back of an alley way. She wasn't even entirely sure she knew where she was or what happened, but she had a vague recollection of walking to and from work, going to some seedy nightclub to let off some steam, downing a drink, and then waking up here on the dirty ground with him. He seemed to be very interested in her - his hands were everywhere as he groped her, pulling at her clothes, trying to unbuckle her pants. Her mind felt like it was full of static as the world around her went blurry and unfocused, just a big black void that filled up every little nook of awareness, every little corner of focus and thought and feeling that could possibly have come into contact with anything.

Everything was numb and she couldn't feel anything. It all came together at some point in the space of minutes before she fell unconscious, when one part of her was aware of being pulled down onto something soft and hard at the same time and someone grabbing her breasts. Her body was too tired to fight back, but her brain did manage to register his dick slowly entering her ass, then something hot and sticky filling her up not moments later. She tried to figure out what was happening, and who he was. He was obviously not from around here, but then again, neither was she. After a few moments of ragged panting, the guy started fucking her again, faster this time. The more he shoved himself inside her, the more uncomfortable she got, until he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her off his cock, her head smacking against the nearby wall. He slammed her down onto his cock one last time before he started cumming. As he came inside her for the second time, the pain from her head woke her up from whatever stupor she was in, alerting her that something was wrong. She needed to escape.

She tried to force herself into action, trying to move as much as she could to try and escape his assault, while he continued thrusting inside her. Unfortunately, her body wouldn't respond to her, and there was nothing she could do but watch as he emptied his balls inside of her. He groaned again, louder than before, and pushed himself deeper into her, as if he was trying to get her ass pregnant. Still clearly drunk, he tried to kiss her, but she managed to find what little strength she had left to dodge his advance. Staggering to his feet, he yelled at her. He was panting heavily now and she could smell alcohol all over his breath. He pulled her into a sitting position, before shoving his cock in her face. She turned away, his hard cock reeked of sex and ass, making her stomach churn slightly.

"Hey! Bitch! You better suck my fucking cock, slut." The man slapped her face with his cock, leaving a blob of cum and ass juice on her cheek.

She shook her head weakly and mumbled something incomprehensible.

"What'd you say? Speak up bitch!" He shouted, grabbing her shirt with one hand, pulling her onto her feet and shoving her head back against the wall.

She was beginning to panic now and she could barely breathe, struggling to take in enough air to speak properly.

"Please let go!" She whispered, terrified of what might happen next.

"Shut your fucking mouth bitch, I don't have the time for your bullshit! You deserve this anyway." He spat, tightening his grip on her shirt and squeezing harder.

She tried to twist away, but he was still holding her tightly, his other hand beginning to caress her thighs. She whimpered in pain and closed her eyes shut as tears started falling down her cheeks. She knew she was trapped now, and that scared her to death.

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