Chapter 1

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I lay in bed with my eyes open and tears slowly falling down my cheeks. The only light in the room is from my room mate's and my bathroom. I could hear her talking and getting ready for the day. I pull my sheets over my head hoping to block her out. I squeeze my eyes shut, and for a slip secotnd there was silence.

"Nevee! God, get up. I get it, Aleks killed Mr. Drew and now you're scared. I would be too." She riped the sheets from my grasp and through my white uniform shirt at me.

"Um, Kelsi, news flash, Aleksandr didn't not kill anyone, he was trying to help him and it only looked like he killed him. He was obviously framed by someone." I shot her a dirty look as I start for the bathroom to change.

There is a long silence between us as we both finish getting ready. Putting on my blazer I stare at the school crest in my mirror. In small fine print letters it reads "Honor and Honesty". My father sent me to Wellington School for the Gifted so that I can become as good as a spy as he was at my age, but I don't know if Wellington can give that to me anymore. I know Aleks did nothing wrong and now he has to run and hide so he doesn't get punished for something he didn't do.

" Nev, as your best friend I need to know, are you sure Aleks did nothing wrong?" Kelsi put her hand out waiting for me to answer so we could walk to breakfast together.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life." I take her hand and smile, we head down stairs to the dinning hall together like any other morning.

Walking in to the dinning hall all I see is a sea of blue and black plaid skirts and black slacks. Kelsi and I make our way to our table I sit in the space before the eage and Kelsi across from me. But when I sit the table go quiet and all our friends stair not at me but the empty seat next to me, Aleksandr's seat.

"Shame the kid had so much going for him, top spy in our class." James, a friend of Aleksandr said loudly.

"Top spy of any class really. The only person who could beat him was Nevee." His girlfriend Sarah adds quickly.

"You guys make it should like he's the one who's died." I say emotionless

"You're right, only the best teacher in this whole school was murder last night. Why should we even bring Aleks's name up, he deserves what he's getting." Andrew another one of our friends say.

"Not what I meant Andrew." I get up storm out of the dinning hall.

Standing against the tall wooden door of the dinning hall I could hear all the talking and eating from the other side. My long dark hair fell in my face as I lean forward to cry. Its hard, why is it so hard. I believe him, I know Aleks would never do anything to hurt anyone, but why doesn't anyone else. Even his closest friends think he killed Mr. Drew. I close my eyes and realise that its gotten very quiet. I listen closely, I can hear Head Master Jordan telling the students who didn't see what happened last night about Mr. Drew's death.

Unable to handle hearing any more of this I run down the hall to a tall and skinny book shelf. I pull out the book on the third shelf from the bottom and second from the left and the book shelf shifts slightly causing a big enough crack for me to shimmy through. I slowly craw down an old, narrow, dustly tunnel. When I reach the end I lift a small door. Now in a small room with a high celling I grad a thick rope hanging above me, I start to climb up. Shortly I reach a small medal door, there is a thin landing, with only enough room to place one foot. After pushing the door open I swing forward on the rope and jump through. Now in the hallway where my room is, I run in and cry into my pillow.

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