Our Love:Philasande & Mabalwa 11

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Chapter 11
2months later
You will not believe Zacharia right now this man literally called me all the way to his Kingdom well not even his Kingdom his father's Kingdom to tell me that he has a son so all the time I've been dreaming and suffering of this man's son.
He did not just leave it there he also tells me that his purchased a house in ballito how convenient right near my damn house.
Well he was very scared of fatherhood in the beginning he was so sure that he would not be capable of being a good father to Rumi but like the good girlfriend that I am I convinced him to just try out fatherhood and live with his son and his been doing quite good and it's only been two months and I'm proud of him to say the least.
In the beginning of all this I really thought that we would not introduce me to his son but I happened to get introduced to his son because my man does not know how to run a household so I've been checking in on them quite a lot and we just told Rumi that I'm just his father's friend but damn that little boy proves to be so smart and his mentioned quite a few times that me and his father would make such a perfect match but maybe he knows that his father and I are in a relationship and that man that I'm in relationship really thinks that I'm looking too much into it but I know he knows that his father and I are more than friends.

Right now I just got out the bathtub and I get into my cream White bathing suits and we are about to hit the beach with Phila and Rumi.


Yep this is me this is the life that I am living ,you remember two months ago when I was so scared of even talking to my son well me and him have built quite a strong relationship and I'm quiet proud I thought we'd have a long way to go we still do but we getting somewhere and yet we getting somewhere right now we currently getting ready to go to the beach but before that we need to pick up MaVilakazi.

I'm parked outside of her estate and she comes out looking hot as ever in a cream White bikini bathing suits and a sarong around her waist and I can just see the peacock tattoo on her thigh she looks so hot I could just eat her up right right now woah okay let me slow down I'm getting way too ahead of myself let me collect myself pull myself towards myself.
She hops in the front seats and she does not even pay attention to me the first thing she does is look back and greets little 5years old Rumi.
Mabalwa:hello my boy.
Rumi: hello aunty WaWa,how are you?
He says in a cute white boy accent,yeah no we need to work on that indoda yom'Zulu le he needs to pick up a KZN English accent by the time I'm done raising him.
Mabalwa: I'm okay my handsome boy, How are you?
She replies.
Rumi: happy to spend my day with you,I missed you.
Mabalwa:I missed you just as much but you too busy for me now because of kindergarten.
Okay now they're getting ahead of themselves looks like I'm about to stop this conversation because I need attention also from my woman.
ME:Haibo?Rumi ?WaWa???am i not here also?
They giggle and only then does she greet me.
Mabalwa: Sawubona Qwabe, unjani?
ME:ay'seng philile...
I start the ignition and we drive to
My sea view Beach House here in ballito I hope they like it because damn I had to go knee-deep into my pocket for this just for them.

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