The rake Prince

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Nicholas galitzine as Prince Henry of Bowstone Cottage (definitely watched rwrb and fell in love with this man,and yes I just gave him the same name as his character )

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Nicholas galitzine as Prince Henry of Bowstone Cottage (definitely watched rwrb and fell in love with this man,and yes I just gave him the same name as his character )

Greece Prince bc why not he's half greek and russian

Queen Charlotte's niece's son  #3

Miss Arsema Danbury (she so gorgeous and I love her personality so much I just had to use her )

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Miss Arsema Danbury (she so gorgeous and I love her personality so much I just had to use her )

Lady Danbury's granddaughter,the last born also her identical twin

Do I have an obession with royalty and period pieces? Absolutely 100% . Will I stop ? Yes,when I run out of ideas (it's been months)


Arsema sat in the carriage with her three elder sisters who couldn't help but talk loudly as she tried to sleep,the journey from France to England was longer than she expected

The reason why they were going to England was because their Father died and now their elder Brother Marcus has become the Duke

He decided it was best to go back to England after all the threats,hatred they received after their father died,Arsema was in school when it happened somehow the bullying got worst.

Diane accidentally pushed her against the window,"sorry " she quickly apologized then continued their conversation.She didn't say anything because she did she would either cause an argument or kill one of them

They never really got along which wasn't Arsema's fault she was the last born and growing up her siblings would ignore her or yell at her for coming close to them.

The dresses the women wore in England was completely different than in France,her sisters couldn't stop squealing about it when they noticed. "Can't wait wear regency dresses, Arsema-" their squealing was slowly making her deaf so when the carriage stopped in fornt if a big mansion Arsema sprang out before she could even here was Sonia wanted to tell her

Lady Danbury's walking cane alarmed Arsema that someone was coming when she turned around she met her curious grandmother, Agatha gasped in shock.

It was her first time seeing the adult version of Arsema after years to her suprise she looked exactly like the younger version of her .
Arsema was getting worried of her grandmother's lack of response to her as she just stared at her even her siblings were forming a circle around them

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