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I was sitting with Felix and he was telling me about some kdrama he watched yesterday. I then saw Minho coming in the class. He looked little down. I saw him putting his headphones in. I felt bad, I thought about going to him and talk with him, when teacher walked up to me and asked me and Felix to help her with some materials for the arts.

The day passed by and it was lunchtime. I noticed Minho didn't eat in cafeteria, he just stayed in the classroom.

"Hey, sung, are you coming to eat our lunch?"
Felix asked

"No, you can go without me." I told him. He nodded and went away.

I walked to Minho and asked:
"Do you mind if I joined for lunch?"

he smiled at me and told me to sit.
"So, how was your day?" I asked him

"Same as always, what about yours?"

"Nothing much happened, so..." I answered.

I took my lunch box and then I realized Minho didn't have anything.
"Why don't you have anything to eat?"

"Well, I didn't really have time to buy something because I slept at your house. How do you have something to eat? We were together the whole morning?" Minho told me

"Oh Felix gave it to me. Do you want it?"
I asked him while giving him a bagel

"But then what will you eat?" Minho asked me

"I'm not really hungry, here, take it." I gave him the bagel.

"Jisung, you haven't eaten since yesterday evening. I really doubt you aren't hungry." Minho told me, I could feel he was kind of worried

"I'm really not hungry. I had big lunch yesterday and I'm still full from that. Now, eat." I told Minho and hoped he will stop asking

"I was also thinking, why don't we continue in our project in library after school? Today mom is picking Ari up and I have time, is it good for you?" I asked Minho

He just nodded, happily eating his bagel

After lessons ended, I met with Minho in the library. It was so fun. We joked around and I totally lost track of time. We were laughing so hard and had the best time.


I never thought I will experience this. I was laughing on the floor, when jisung had to guess what I wrote on his hand. It was like the time had stopped. He was so adorable trying to guess it. I felt happy and so relaxed. We both totally forgot about our presentation. Then his phone rang. He excused himself and went to pick it up. Then I looked at his direction. I saw him, still as a mountain.
"Jisung, are you okay?" I asked him

Then he dropped his phone and he fell on the floor. He started shaking and crying hysterically. I immediately stood up and ran to him. Grabbing his shoulders turnings him to me, trying to figure out what happened while staring at his crying face. He was shaking so badly. He was getting a panic attack


I walked to a side and I answered the phone. It was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I said

"Hello. Is this Han Jisung?"

"Yes? What his happening?"

"I'm really sorry to say this, but your mother and sister were involved in a serious car accident.

"W-what are you s-saying? A-are they o-okay?!" I started panicking a lot.

"Your sister is at a hospital, she's not in the best condition. As for your mother......I'm so sorry kid, she did not make it."

I couldn't believe what I had heard. I did not want to believe it. My eyes started to water, ears started ringing and the world just became a blur

"Jisung, are you okay?" I heard someone say. I couldn't react. My legs started shaking and stopped working. I fell on the ground shaking, crying and still couldn't accept the fact my mom, the one who rased me, the one who I cried to, the one who was always there for me, was gone.
I felt someone grabbing my shoulders, but I didn't care. World became blurry and my ears were ringing. I still couldn't stop shaking. I was crying, yelling, screaming.
After a while, my eyes stopped ringing and the world was slowly sharpening again. I was still shaking and crying really badly, but now I could see Minho in front of me, looking worried. I just pulled him closer and hugged him, I started crying on his shoulder again. He didn't protest. He held me in his arms, as I was trying to calm down. After a time that felt like eternity I was finally able to look Minho into his eyes and he looked really worried.


he was snuggled into my hug, crying his eyes out. After a long time, he let me go and looked at my face. His eyes were so red from crying and his face was all puffy. I had no idea what was happening, I just knew it was something serious.
"What happened?" I asked him really softly and carefully, but he couldn't answer. He was so close to crying again, so I gave him my phone, opened notes and gave it to him.
"If it's really hard for you to say it, then write it." I told him.

He took the phone with his shaking hands and started typing something. He then stopped typing and started sobbing. I took the phone, my eyes widened and my heart shattered when I saw what he wrote.

"My mom and sister was in a car accident, my mom didn't ma|"

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