🛠️; an inventors beginning | Guy am I oneshot

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It was a fall evening in Stovepipe, The leaves had just started to turn, and busy streets were everywhere, but this was the day for a new inventor, named Guy Am I

Guy was just starting kindergarten, he already had some friends there, and overall he had a good first day there, As he was doing some coloring at the kitchen table, his father,  Matt I am came

"Whatcha doing there son?"

"Just some coloring that Ms.Sunshine gave us," said Guy while keeping his eyes on the fire truck that he was coloring

"Alright, we'll just let me know if you need something," said Matt while he went to get a glass of water and left the kitchen


10 minutes had passed by and Guy had finished his coloring, and with him being bored, that's when something on the TV in the living room caught his attention

It was the daily 5'o clock news, they were broadcasting about some inventors for the annual fall invention show, the little Knox had then got out of his seat and went to see what was on the show

There were 3 contestants, one was a pink-furred furred who, the other was a blue-furred know and the last one, who looked younger than the other two was a green-furred Knox

Curiosity got the best of Guy as he watched the show

"And what would you say to any new and younger inventors?" Said the news broadcaster

"Well, follow your dreams, the younger you are, the quicker you should start doing whatever is that you love, and don't give up," said the green-furred Knox while calmly smiling at the camera

"The quicker you are, the younger you should start doing what you love" whispered Guy

The Knox then left the living room and went to the garage, there he got his father's toolbox and began thinking of what he should make

A toaster? No, maybe a bookshelf? No, Guy then took the toolbox in his hands and went up to his bedroom, then he got out a piece of white paper and began brainstorming what he should invent

Then Guy remembered, there was always cantaloupe in his mother's garden, so because of that, he thought maybe he could make something to get off them

He did remember the time when he put butter on the slide last spring, so if he could think of something just like the time, he could think of a way to get rid of the cantaloupe

A couple of minutes passed by and just like that, a light bulb turned on in the Knox's head, he began designing a sketching out his design for his first-ever invention, erasing and writing until he was satisfied with what he had sketched out

Then he began with his invention, grabbing a tool, screwing and unscrewing things until it looked like his drawing

Feeling satisfied with what he made, he proudly grabbed what he made and went to his mother and father, who were talking with each other at the kitchen table

"Mom! Pop! Look what I made!" Said Guy while proudly showing the invention to his parents

The invention was pretty simple, it had what looked like a cup that would be able to place a cantaloupe, and a lever to shoot out of whatever was in the cup

"Wow! Guy did you? D-did you make this!?" Said his mother in amazement while looking at what her son had made

"Mhm! I don't know what to call it yet, but let me show you how to use it!" Said Guy while walking to the garden and placing a cantaloupe on his invention

"Watch," said Guy while carefully holding the lever and letting go, causing the cantaloupe to launch out of the cup, never to be seen again

His parents were completely shocked in amazement that their 6-year-old son had made something, so small yet so useful

"Son, I still can't believe you made this, and on your own!" Said his father while patting his son on the back and his mother pecking him with kisses

"We're proud of you son!" Said his mother while hugging Guy and kissing his forehead

But little did they know that this is just the beginning of Guy and his inventions, with him making inventions such as the self-flyer, the anti-weapon, and the can opener to name a few, and then opening his inventionarium in the future.

🛠️; an inventors beginning | Guy am I oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now