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The audience then saw the title of their next universe to watch and were now very interested in seeing this because of the title's name.


UA Students - DEKU is KANG! / Kang was mentioned from the last universe! / HE'S A CONQUEROR!

AM - If Kang is Midoriya, but he was involved with the other Midoriya in the last universe, so how did he?

Nezu - I believe I know why.

Saiko - In the vast multiverse, everyone is different, so there must be one variant of Midoriya out there capable of dimensional travel.

The BEYONDER - You are correct, again young one.

Izuku - So, I'm a really a villain here?

The BEYONDER - I'm afraid so, but you need to remember this. No matter who you are, your counterparts throughout these different universes won't be so similar to you. So is everyone ready to watch this new universe then!

Audience - Yes! / The Grand Reveal! /Finally, something with good entertainment.

The BEYONDER - Alright let's get this story started now!

The big screen then displayed a futuristic city in Japan of this universe.

The big screen then displayed a futuristic city in Japan of this universe

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UA Students - Oh my god! / Is that in Japan? / What futuristic design!

The BEYONDER - Yes, that just happens to be the newly designed Tokyo, Japan.

Pro Heroes - Well, our Tokyo looks nothing like that. / It looks very nice! / Where is that kid?

The audience then saw the inside of the city and were amazed by all appearances on people & businesses.

The audience then saw the inside of the city and were amazed by all appearances on people & businesses

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