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It's 7:56, almost eight. Usually, the bar becomes packed at eight, the music gets louder, and it's harder to think. Tonight there are fewer people than usual but there's still a lot of people. an old couple is sitting in the middle of the restaurant, and younger couples sitting outside. Two guys that look like rich fuckers sit with their blond girlfriends, at least that's what I think they are. Some people are only here to have a good time and get drunk, they sit at the bar, either with their friends or partners.

About thirty minutes ago a family came in. Families don't come here often, if they do it's before seven. There were two parents. The mother looked like she had just gone to the hairdresser to get her hair done before this occasion, The father was wearing what looked like a funeral coat, and he was wearing rectangular glasses. They actually fit him pretty well. then there was a couple with them, they looked to be in their late twenties, the girl was very classy, wearing a black turtleneck covered by a black leather coat, her pants were also leather, she wore a gold chain and these gigantic rings that looked like they weighed thirty pounds, she had straight dark brown hair that stopped near her shoulders. The guy next to her has brownish hair styled back with not an ounce of gel, wearing a beige turtleneck and black pants. At the end of the table with no one in front of her was sitting a girl, she looked to be about my age. she was wearing a black long sleeve with beige elephant jean things. I don't really know what they're called, they're like these jeans that open up at the end. Her nails were painted brown and she also had rings, but these ones were smaller than the ones the other girl had. She wore a gold necklace and her hair was tied behind her head with a brown hair clip.

These people all look rich, this restaurant looks rich. Everything in here looks rich. It pisses me off how people here don't look around and see how much people need to work for shit and work in these fancy places. We literally have veins falling from our ceiling to make this place look like a forest, but I know that the people here are just here to eat, get drunk, or find a hookup. It's been about ten minutes this girl has been harassing me with pick-up lines and trying to get me to leave work and go home with her.

The girl from the family stands up and comes over to the bar making space between the girl in front of me and the man sitting next to her talking with another woman.

"Gin, rocks. please," she says in a cheerful voice. she looks back at her family and then back at me. "Make that two."

I nodded and got to work, she didn't seem like the kind of girl to like gin. I see her as a wine or margarita girl. I took a Romeo X off the counter and two glasses. I pour one once in each glass and then take out fizzy water but then I think better of it. Would she prefer 7up or fizzy water? I gave up and asked her. I only had to look up and there she was just staring at me, I hadn't even spoken yet but she said: "7up."

I nod again and pour 7 up in each but then take out another because there's no more. I put a lemon on the rim of both and then handed it back to her.

"Can I have some grenadine with that please?" she says. I bend down and open the cupboard. I take out the grenadine and pour some in both, again. I then push the glasses a little bit further toward her but don't let go of them when she reaches for them. She slides her hands around the glasses and at the same time I feel her smooth fingertips touch my hands, but I'm not looking at our hands, I'm looking down at her. as if she can feel me staring at her, her eyes flick up, we make solid eye contact for five, very long seconds, by then she only whispers." thank you." like her couldn't find her voice anymore.

I watch her walk back to her family until I hear a throat being cleared.

"Monsieur Garvil, I think that there are other customers that would like to be served." I turn to my right to find my boss standing there looking at me expectantly.

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