Unexpected Mate

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  • Dedicated to all the beautiful curvy girls.

Rosemaria kept her head down as she walked through the halls of the school with her folders pressed against her chest. She felt so awkward not just around the humans but also her kind. The humans don't even notice her. They just walk on by. The wolves are the cruel ones. They have always been mean to her. She doesn't know why but they are just mean to her. She gave up caring years ago.

She's just glad that the day has finally ended and it's time to go home. She puts her stuff in her bag and walks out of school. She had waited a little back in her last class. Waited for everybody to leave so she wouldn't be hassled.

Heading out of school she walks to her car and quickly climbs in. She drives off and to the compound. The compound is where the wolf pack live together away from the humans. Some of the pack does live with humans but the majority live in the compound. No human is allowed in unless they are with a werewolf and have a good reason to be coming in.

She gets waved through by the enforcers of the pack. She drives to her house and pulls up in front. Walking into the house she is greeted by the sound of her older sister shrilling voice as she complains to her mother.

"Ohmygod" Cressida voice makes Rosemaria want to cover her ears.

She catches her mother's eye since the whole bottom floor is opened and no many walls. The house go up levels instead of being large in area space. It's so they can have more houses at the compound plus the pack is always obtaining more and more land around them. Her mother rolls her eyes at her sisters back. Rosemaria smiles as she stops the laugh leaving her mouth. Her mother winks as she walks over to the stairs.

Rose smiles and walks up to her room. She closes her sisters voice out behind her and drops her bag by her desk as she flops back on her bed. She looks up at the roof at the map of the world on it. Dots on it of all the places Rose wants to go. She doesn't want to just stay in the pack. She doesn't want to mate and settle down. No she wants to see the world and have fun before she does that type of thing. She just stays in her room until dinner.

"Rose dinner" Her father called up the stairs.

She bounds up and heads downstairs. She reached the kitchen. She kisses her father cheek on the way pass. He smiles as she takes her chair on the opposite side of her sister. Her mother brings the remainder of the food over and sits it down on the table. They dig in as her father asked how everyone day was. Before anybody could answer her sister was already bitching to him about something.

Rose just sighs and looks down at her plate as she eats. She half ate her dinner and couldn't be bothered eat much more. She sits her cutlery down on the plate and push it slightly away from herself.

"I'm finish. Can I please be excused?" Her voice softly fills the room.

"Darling you hardly touched your food" Her mother replied as she brushed the back of her hand.

Wolves love to touch. They love to feel connected to their pack and they do that through touch in wolf and human form. Rose shrugs.

"I'm not that hungry" She continues to look down at her plate.

"Rosemaria this has been going on for a month now. Why aren't you eating all your meal? You have always eaten all your food" Her father deep voice said

Her sister snorts.

"She definitely could do without all the food" Cressida bitchy voice said

That really hurt Rose and she got up from the table. She just walked out of the room.

"Cressida" Both her parents yelled at her sister.

Rose runs up to her room and slams the door. Locking it behind her. She turns her music up loud and blocks out the world as tears slip down her cheeks. She sits on her bed with her knees brought up to her face as she cries. Rose is curvy and everybody points that out to her. She isn't skinny like other girls but as a hourglass figure and is fuller. None of the boys look at her that's for sure. She isn't appealing to a werewolf male like she cares. She doesn't need male attention. She hears the knocking on her door and looks to it.

"Rose open the door up" Her mother's voice comes from the other side.

She closes her eyes. She doesn't want to be bothered but her mother wasn't taking no for a answer.

"Come on baby girl open the door now" She called

Rose sighs and walks to the door. She flicks her iPod off on the way where it sits in the docking station. She opens the door and her mother stood on the other side. Her beautiful mother with her blonde curls and warm face.

Rose gets her green eyes from her mother while she has her father's chocolate brown hair with her mother curls in it. It's Rose's only vanity. It falls to just the top of her bottom just like her mothers. Her mother is curvy but that came after having babies but her mother is always saying she loves her curves oppose to the skinny figure she ones had just like Cressida.

"Darling don't cry" She walks in and embraces her in a motherly hug.

Rose just holds onto her mother. Standing at five six she is slightly taller than her mother but she doesn't care. She just hides her face in her mother's curls like she has always done her whole life. They sit down on the bed and she just cries as her mother coos to her also strokes her hair.

"You are beautiful my Rosemaria. I love you so much. Don't let words cut you deeper than any weapon can. You are strong and beautiful just the way you are"

Rose just listens to her mother. Her mother stays until Rose is all cried out then she tucks her into the bed because Rose is so tired. Rose laid in bed just wishing she could be away from the pack. Be travelling and not have to listen to the cruel words her own kind throw at her.

Rose wakes in the morning and is glad it's a Saturday. She just sat up when she felt the alpha's call in her mind. She closed her eyes as his voice came clearly across her mind just like if he was standing in the room before her.

'Meeting now' His booming voice cuts through her mind.

She groaned and jumped up. She had slipped her pants and top off last night. She quickly changes into new lingerie. Then slipped just a pair of old jeans and jumper. She walks out of the room running her fingers through her curls. Her parents were downstairs when she arrived. They leave together. They head off to the clearing where all the pack meet.

She walked through the trees and into the clearing beside her parents. So many of the pack are already there. Gathering in social groups. Chatting away and enjoying themselves. She just stays with her parents. Standing beside her mother as they talk to friends. She doesn't have any friends in the pack. She doesn't give a fuck. Months left until school finishes and then she will be out of this hell hole.

"Why as he called us?" Is the whispering going around.

Everybody wondering what the hell the alpha wants. Then silence descended upon the pack as the alpha approached. Everybody could sense it. Rose looked up just as he emerged from the trees to the large rock where the alpha always stands. He didn't appear alone. Not just his wife and the betas but there was someone else with him that made hurtful memories come back to Rose. The alpha's son also appeared. She thought he was still away.'


The pic on the side is a plus size Aussie model.

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