Bloody Child - Sophia's POV

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I never thought I'd see a fuming Ms Bell in my life. I couldn't even imagine it. And Bella is the last person I thought anybody could get angry at. Never did I see Bella running around like an annoying 10-year-old schoolboy with Ms Bell's pink beret, either.

"Come and take it, Kerry!" Bella taunts, waving the beret and phone.

"Don't call me that!" Ms Bell snaps.

''Kerry, Kerry, Kerry, Kerry...'' Bella repeats the name jeeringly as she capers across the car park.

In high-heeled boots, Ms Bell hurtles toward Bella. ''Bella, I'll get Mr Hollingworth if you don't give me my phone!"

I've always known that Ms Bell is a bit stupid, but chasing after the person teasing you and who clearly takes great delight in being chased isn't just a bit stupid. That's an act of a fool.

"You can get your phone back when you give mine back, Kerry!"

"What the hell did you do to get your phone taken?!" Oliver yells.

''I found Kerry's pics of her doing fruity stuff with other women on the internet and showed them to her when she refused to answer my questions about her and Debbie!" Bella shouts.

My jaw drops at Bella's distasteful manners. I know she is a cheeky fucker and proud of it, but this takes a whole new level that I can't condone. "Bella, just shut up and give Miss her phone!"

"Bella, if you give me my things and promise never to speak of this again, I won't tell Mr Hollingworth!" Ms Bell pleads.

''And what's he gonna do, Kerry?'' Bella backchats. "He's a precious pussy!"

I tip onto Jasper as Oliver tips onto me, and all three of us are hit with a laugh attack that we try our hardest to quell.

"Speaking of the devil," Jasper whispers, glancing up.

Sebastian, wearing his new coal blue trench coat, slants against the garage, watching the tumult with a wickedly amused face while smoking a cigarette. The crazy women hunting each other are yet to notice him.

"You will be isolated without your phone for the rest of the year if you don't stop, Bella!" Ms Bell yaps.

''You gotta catch me first!'' Bella runs in Sebastian's direction, but she looks back over her shoulder for Ms Bell panting behind her.

As we foresaw, Bella bumps into Sebastian as she is about to run around the corner. The boys and I are unable to repress our laughs for longer when she falls back and lands on her ass, screeching a long sentence with profanity. Hearing her cuss is like hearing a child cuss. She doesn't swear often, but when she does, it's fucking funny. Sebastian just standing there stiffly, looking down at her, makes it all funnier.

''Oh, hiya, Sebastian!'' Bella tilts her head back to grin at him, sitting on the wet asphalt.

''Do not call me that,'' Sebastian enunciates.

''Debbie said I can call you Kerry and Sebastian,'' Bella fibs like a child - we all know that by now.

''If Bella's luck runs out, she'll be writing thousands of lines in isolation this week,'' Jasper whispers to us, and the week we were forced to do that plays in my mind. That was hell.

Ms Bell has caught up with Bella, who lingers on the ground, hugging the beret and phone to shield them.

''It's a mystery to me how nobody has struck that precious but horrendously irritating pretend vampire yet,'' Oliver breathes out. ''Not even Debbie has slapped her. That's supernatural powers.''

''Can you stop acting like a bloody child!?'' Ms Bell scolds.

Bella has curled up to make it impossible for them to take Ms Bell's belongings from her without bending her limbs open.

''I will the moment you return my phone, Kerry,'' Bella giggles.

''She might be worse than you, Ladybug,'' Oliver whispers to me.

''Somebody needs to tell her not to mess with lovely people like Ms Bell,'' I tell them. ''...Oi, Bells! Pack it in now!'' I shout to her as her best friend, who's had enough of it, too.

''Phia, help me and tell Kerry to give me my phone!''

''Yeah, that's not gonna happen until 5, Bells!''

''I'll sit here until 5 then!''

''Fine then!'' Ms Bell groans and takes Bella's phone out of her pocket. ''It's yours if you give me mine.''

A smug smile grows on Bella's face, and she brings out the cerise phone, and a phone swap happens. The second Bella clutches her phone; it's snatched out of her hand by Sebastian. Her reaction is best described as a child who got ice cream and then dropped it in the sand.

''Sebastian! I won't go to class now!''

''Sit there then,'' Sebastian says snappishly and glances at me and the lads. ''You three! Come to class with me now!''

The boys and I hurriedly pack our stuff and sloppily fold the picnic blanket to bring inside with us. We attempt to coax Bella to come with us, too, but she is stubborn as a bull. She'll run after us the moment she no longer sees us. I'm sure about it. And I'm sure a hellish week is waiting for her...

2 | Defiance Discipline Dream RepeatWhere stories live. Discover now