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The Aftermath


" y/n's point of view "


"THE MPS ARRESTED Amy's dad." Chicago told us the next morning once we were all ashore and wrapped in blankets. "He's going to jail for a long time. I'm gonna go meet them, alright?"

"Okay." Chloe nodded.

"Sit tight."

"I have no idea what just happened, but if Khaled doesn't pick us after all of that, what are we doing with our lives?" Emily shook her head after he left.

"Not being around DJ Khaled, which is fine by me." I shrugged.

"Uh, I think Beca has something she'd like to share with the group." Amy said, holding an ice pack to her shoulder.

"Um... thanks, Amy." Beca started. "Uh, yeah. I was gonna say something earlier, but we were involved in a hostage crisis, so I just..."

"They picked her." Amy told us. "DJ Khaled and his team. They didn't pick the Bellas. They picked Beca. So they... yeah, so they only picked her."

"Yeah, but I said no because I feel exactly how you feel. You guys are family, and you don't walk away from family." Beca looked around at us.

"Don't you want to make music?" Flo asked her.

"No, I guess, but..."

"Beca, you can't say no. You've gotta do it." Amy said. "Look, your real family doesn't hold you back. They lift you up."

"Kind of feel like I've been saying something to that effect the entire time."

"Oh, my God, Emily!" Amy groaned and faced the younger woman. "Smart people are talking right now."

Aubrey was in tears beside me.

"Aubrey, don't, please." Beca frowned. "It's... I— I won't do it. It's not important."

"No, no, no. It's— it's not that." Aubrey chuckled a little. "You know, I have to be honest with you guys."

We're doing this again?

"Every time I perform in front of people, I feel like I'm gonna puke." Aubrey said. "And I don't have to anymore. I'm so happy."

"No more puking. No more puke." Amy chanted.

"No more puke." Aubrey laughed along. "You know what? I think I might just... I don't know, move to Mykonos and become a doula."

"A doula?" Flo asked.

"A birthing coach." Aubrey clarified.

"You gonna coach babies?" Cynthia Rose asked.

"Mm-hmm. Yeah, I'll be like..." Aubrey acted as if she was pulling open a vagina and talking to a baby. "'Come here, little guy. You can do it. There ain't really nothing to it. You can do it, you can do it. Come on!'"

I CAN SEE YOU; jesse swanson x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now