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After the meeting with the principal, Heeseung and Ju-won both went home

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After the meeting with the principal, Heeseung and Ju-won both went home.

Ju-won put off her shoes before hanging up her jacket on the clothes rack just like her brother did.

She took a short look on her phone.

June 28th 2023, 1:25pm- No new messages

It wasn't really late she noticed.

"How are you, ju?" Heeseung asked while wwashing his hands in the bathroom.

"I'm fine, why do you ask?" Ju-won asked.

"Uhm maybe because yesterday you passed out? You are not here at home without a reason haha" He replied to her.

"Heeseung I'm fine haha don't worry"

"Ju, the doc said you need to rest and you still look a bit pale. Please don't argument with me" He said while looking straight in his sister's bambi eyes.

"Okayyy" She growled.

Ju-won knew her brother was just worrying, maybe a bit too much but sleep couldn't damage her health so she went in her room and closed the door behind her.

She changed her clothes into cozy baggy clothes. She tied her hair in to a bun and put on her glasses.

Ju-won really liked her room. It was not really big but really cozy and comfortable.

Grey-Blue walls with some photos on it. Her big bed with a lot of plushies and pillows on it. A small desk with an i-pad and laptop and some art supplies on it.

She loved to paint or draw something. When she was stressed, she always expressed her stress through her paintings and drawings. It always calmed her down a bit.

There are many of her paintings and drawings on the wall, above her bed. Mostly flowers and astrology signs.

Flowers had always been her favourite things to draw. Especially daisys. They were her absolutely favourite.

Ju-won spent the most of her time in her room.

She closed the curtains to not let so much light in her room. After that she walked over to her desk and grabbed her laptop. Then she went to her bed and lay down on it.

Ju-won decided to go through the school material again just to be sure she could understand everything.

Before she could start going through, she noticed her phone ringing.

Someone was calling her. So she grabbed her phone and took a look on it.

It was Yunah. Ju-won smiled and accepted the call. It was a video call. She was sure she looked not very pretty with her dirty bun and the baggy clothes, but she didn't really care. Yunah was her best friend.

"Hey Yunahhh what's up?"

"Just the normal school things you know. And youu?"

"It's very boring at home lol. But I have to tell you somethingggg"

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