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You loved Damian. Since he opened up to you about his past, all you ever wanted was to support him and make sure he knew he was never alone.


When he woke you up in the middle of the night to tell you he wanted to stop being Batman and leave Gotham, you left with him.

"Alright then," You yawned out, "just give me a moment to get ready-"

"You don't have to come with me (Y/N). You have a good life here, a normal life," He told you.

You gave him a sleepy smile. Placing a hand on his cheek, you could tell by the tired look in his eyes he had a long mission.

"What's the point of having a good life if I'm not with you?"

Damian could feel his eyes grow glossy, a stinging pain forming as he held back. He quickly pulled you into a tight hug, burying his face into the top of your head before you could see his tears of joy.


When you found out he was going back to The League Of Assassins, you told him to be careful.

"If this is what you really want, then, I guess I should get better at shooting a gun?" You joked.

Damian squeezed your hand, a scowl forming on his face. "I'm serious (Y/N)."

"You always are," You hummed.

You looked down at his hand holding yours, reached with your free hand, and placed it on top of his. "Promise me you'll be careful?"

You didn't look up from your hands. You didn't think you could, afraid he'd see how worried you actually were for him.

"I promise," He said before you felt a soft kiss against your forehead.


When he became the new Demon's Head, you cried.

You looked out the balcony, staring mindlessly at the mountainside, still trying to process what he had just told you.

"...Why does it have to be you?" You murmured.

You felt his hands fall on your shoulders, holding you lightly. "(Y/N)... You know this is what I was destined to be."

You couldn't stop the tears from forming. Attempting to hold them back, you refused to look at him, knowing you'd be flooded with emotions if you faced him.

With a strained voice, you asked him, "Is this what you want?"

"I have to, the Lazarus pit isn't healing Ra's anymore."

"Is this what you want?" You repeated.

Damian paused. "(Y/N)-"

"Answer my question, please Damian."

Finally, the tears fell. You brushed his hands off your shoulders and turned to face him, tears rolling down your cheeks.

"Tell me that this is honestly what you want." You wrapped your arms around his torso, burying your face into his chest.

Damian squeezed you tightly, upset with himself that he was the reason you were crying now. You were gentle, kind, and he dragged you into his callous world.


Since that conversation, Damian was beginning to wonder if he had made the right choice leaving his father and joining The League.

Bruce's priority was Gotham, but there was a world full of people who needed help. Damian had grown tired of constantly beating up the same bad guys and locking them up, only for them to eventually break free and repeat the process. Damian couldn't be his Batman, he had to be Bruce's Batman. Fed up with playing the same tune, he left and hadn't been back since.

Ra's had his sight set on the world, even if it was a bit genocidal at times. Somehow, he managed to sink his claws back in Damian once he found out he left Gotham.

There were a small handful of times Damian thought about returning, but they were always fleeting before he couldn't truly think about it. Though it seemed one night he couldn't push the thought out of his mind, and when you woke up there was only a note he left saying he went to visit his father.

For the next few days, you couldn't help but worry about him. You had no clue why he left, or what he would do. Best-case scenario(but most unlikely in your opinion), he returns and you two leave The League. Worst-case scenario, they fight and are estranged forever.

You were barely entering a deep sleep when you felt the bed dip on Damian's side. Your eyes fluttered open, vision blurry for a moment before adjusting to the dark lighting. He was sitting next to you, staring blankly at the paintings on the wall ahead. Even with a stoic expression, you could tell he was unhappy with the visit.

You sat up and scooted over to him, interlocking your hands.

His gaze moved to you. "Did I wake you beloved? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

You shook your head, letting out a deep breath. "I was barely falling asleep, it's fine Love." Your voice was soft and tired.

Resting your head on his shoulder, you struggled to keep your eyes open. Damian knows you'll refuse to sleep as long as he's up, so he lays down, pulling you down onto him with an arm wrapped around your waist. You snuggle into his chest, and after a few minutes, Damian thinks you've finally gone to sleep until you speak.

"Your eyes are still wide open, aren't they?" You mumble. A small chuckle escapes him. "Do you wanna tell me what happened?"

He was silent for a few moments. "He replaced me."

You open your eyes and tilt your head up, chin resting on his chest. Your brows are furrowed looking at him.

"He what?"

"He replaced me. He's trained someone else to be Batman."

Now you're awake and upset. You try to sit up, but he holds you down on him. He finally lets go of your hand, placing it on your cheek.


Before you could continue, Damian pulled you into a kiss, silencing you with the tenderness of his kiss. You want to be angry right now, you really do, but all your tired mind could focus on now was the kiss. It wasn't a soft kiss, though he wasn't getting rough either.

His kisses are always passionate, even the quick pecks. This time it feels a bit different, almost needy. When you two separate, you're left breathless, panting slightly for air.

His thumb brushes across your cheek and you lean into his hold. "It's time to sleep Beloved. You don't do well when you don't get enough sleep."

You huffed in response, laying your head back down on his chest. "Fine, but just so you know, you can be pretty grumpy when you don't get enough rest either."

You both closed your eyes this time, beginning to drift off. Before you enter your slumber, you manage to tell Damian one last thing.

"Damian, I love you, and I hope you know I'm never leaving you, you're stuck with me now." You let out a few tired laughs before falling asleep.

Even if you couldn't hear him, he thanked you. "Thank you (Y/N). I love you too, and I'll never let you go."

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