Aldia : Adventure begins

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Darkness, That's all Lox could see. Every which way he looked all he saw was more darkness. "Hello? Is anyone there?" He called out, But there was no response. Then everything started spinning, eventually when it stopped the world of Aldia was in front of him. But it was not his Aldia. Everything was on fire, people were screaming and fleeing. That's when Lox saw a man, a tall man who seemed to be the leader of all this madness. Lox could not make out any facial features, but he knew almost instantly that the man in front of him was the cause of all this chaos. Suddenly a clock appeared before him while everything went dark again, it started spinning backwards until it was a week past when it had been originally.

When everything was back in view he was back home, laying on his bed. He quickly sat up and looked around frantically, 'had it all been a dream?' he thought. 'No.. it was to real.' He got up out of bed and went to go get ready for the adventures to come for the day. He'd look at himself in the mirror before opening the front door and stepping outside into the town of Trilon. Trilon was an elf village in the trees of the forest, where elves could live in peace without having to handle the rest of the worlds chaos.

Lox headed down to the towns library where he met his friend Kila every morning. When he got there, she was already waiting outside for him. "Hey Lox! What took you so long?!" She asked, seeming quite like her usually go getter self. Lox chuckled briefly. "Sorry, lost track of time I suppose." He responded. "Better have been it, now come on!" Kila dragged him off into the library where they typically liked to spend most of their time.

However Lox could not get his mind off the dream he had last night. Was it to absurd to be true? Or are the spirits warning him of something to come? "Hey, Kila. Have you ever had a dream where it just feels, i don't know, off?" She would look back at Lox with a confused look on her face. "Yeah I did. Last night, why?" Lox froze, had they had the same vision? Was it just in his head? He didn't quite know. All he knew is that he had to find out about this dream she had. "Can you tell me about it?" He asked, seeming more concerned over anything. "Yeah, everything was black, but when I could see everything the village was on fire and there was a tall man, I couldn't see anything about him but he gave off a weird aura. You know?" She explained. Lox stood there stunned, They had had the same dream. What does this mean? Was something coming they weren't prepared for?

After a little while of them explaining the dream and the similarity's both had, they figured this was no coincidence. This was a sign something was coming, and no one was prepared for it. "Well maybe they have something here about it?" Lox suggested, looking around at all the shelves with books upon books of everything and anything. "Maybe, They could have it in the restricted section." Kila implied, she had always wanted to go into the restricted section but never had a reason to do so, and now that she finally did she wasn't going to waste the opportunity. "How could we even get in there? The librarian will catch us and we'll be kicked out." Lox stated. "You distract her! I'll go find anything we need." Kila suggested yet again, she was more then excited to finally be breaking some rules and a possible adventure.

Lox then nodded and started heading to the front desk while Kila went back to the restricted section. When there, Kila looked at the lock deciding if she could pick it or if she could climb over the fence that was blocking the rest of the library from the restricted section. She grabbed a hair pin from her hair and started picking the lock, meanwhile Lox was talking to the woman at the front desk and distracting her. When Kila got the lock picked she quietly opened the gate so it would not make a sound, then slipped inside the restricted section. She would look around at all the ancient history books, searching for anything that might be of value. Then she found it, 'Aldia's war history'. She would quickly grab the book from the shelf and left the area as fast as she could, closing the gate and locking it back up.

She went back to the table her and Lox had set their things at then put the book down on the table, looking towards the front desk and waving Lox over. "Did you find anything?" Lox asked as he walked over to the table, then eyeing the book with curiosity. "Yeah! Lets hope there's something in here because I do not want to make another trip back there. Its all dusty." She stated, then blowing the dust off the book, causing both her and Lox to cough a little. Lox then looked down at the book and opened it. On the fourth chapter there was a picture of the man they both saw in their dream. A tall man in an orange and black suit, He had black hair and orange eyes. "Are we sure this is him?" Lox questioned, he wasn't so sure about this, but if it explained what they both saw it was worth checking out. "Yeah! Look what it says here, 'Nocala, the king of demons was sealed away over three hundred years ago after the first Aldian war. He was a very powerful sorcerer who took control of the demon army. On the field of battle queen Nilah gathered the other rulers of Aldia, they then preformed an accursed spell to banish away Nocala for good. Locking him in the underground city Dahala.' Pretty badass if you ask me." She finished, then looking away from the book and at Lox.

Lox was stunned, this had all happened three hundred years ago? "So what was our dream about? The past or.. is he finding a way to come back?" He questioned, having an off feeling about this whole thing. "I'm not sure, could it have something to do with the legends?" Kila asked" "What legends?" Lox then replied, he had only ever heard of the legend of the cursed spirit forests and Felo Volcano's statue of Zenaku. "The legend is supposed to go.." Kila started "Over a million years ago, the four elder gods created Aldia as a sanctuary for magic, knowing other worlds might not be able to handle its power. They created six stones for each element, the inuku spirit tree, and the wanderer demon. All three of these have a different meaning for this world, There are four temples for four of the stones, but no one knows where the last two are." Kila finished, she had heard the legends sense she was a kid and getting to inform Lox about them made her feel like a teacher or a historian."

Lox listened to what Kila had to say, then looking back at the book. "By the looks of him I'd say he had the fire stone with all the orange he has on him." Kila chuckled at Lox's comment. "I believe so, yes." Lox would then flip a couple pages on the book, stopping at one of them. "So the six stones are for fire, earth, water, wing, light, and destruction?" Kila looked down at the page and nodded. "Yeah, that's it. But no one knows where the light and destruction stones are. They were lost in time over eight hundred years ago." Kila stated, then looking back down at the books cover. "We should report this to the castle." Lox stated. Him and Kila looked at each other and nodded. Their adventure, has almost begun.

Hello there reader! if you've made it this far then I'd like to inform you that we have a discord server! There are roleplays and more information about Alida for future chapters to come out! Its public to join and still in a little bit of a rough copy seeing as this is the first decent server I've made, everyone is welcome! Just DM me for the link!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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