Chapters prologue and chapter one the future holds mysteries untold

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was sitting at French café Waiting for my Informant to come Along.... it was a warm spring day and I was warring a pure white sun dress with sun glasses on and a pare of white stilettos on to pair the sexiness just evenly. My long red flambessent curly hair flowed down my back softly swaying in the gentle breeze that blew by ever so often. I could see a bus boy Walking in my direction so I perked up and leaned my left forearm against the back chair. He walked up to me and said

"Will That be for hear or to go ma'am?''.

I responded in a sexy tone

"well it depends on what else you have?''.

He chuckled and asked

" how big will the tip be?''.

I leaned forward and moved my sunglasses down just at the bridge of my nose staring at him with my emerald seductive green contacts in

"40.... same size as my bra...''.

I chuckled leaning back pushing my sun glasses back up crossing my legs as he blushed... he said in a soft yet shakey voice

" fallow me ma'am...''.

I grabbed my purse and got up following him inside the store before heading into the back of the store ware I was greeted by a familiar face

" ah how good to see my best customer vivan... to what occasion do I owe the pleasure? ''.

I said a bit bluntly walking in my heals clicking softly

"cut the charismatic crap Ramsey you know why I'm hear ...i need guns and info on when the French ambassador is coming into town. I need a map of the building's he's going to be in and when the best time to kill him is.''.

His face went a bit serious but yet it was softly hinted with confusion and fear... I didn't quite notice it at firsthand but now that look back on it I do. He cleared his throat and walked over to a computer and typed in a few codes . Soon compartments on the walls opened up to racks filled with guns and blades and I smiled saying looking around

" impressive collection... Ramsey it looks like you have a good black market dealer.''.

He chuckled and picked up a katana and handed it to me saying softly

" I picked the piece up just for you.''.

I smiled a bit evilish and slowly pulled the blade out from its case and held the blade up and watched the light reflect off it and I smiled and looked at it then at him and commented/ asked

" this is the blade made long lost little brother isn't it?''.

He nodded and I chuckled looking at the dragons the intricately adorned the blade giving it an old majestic look. I slid it gently back in its case and I tied it to my back and walked out grabbing a few hand guns and a good sniper rifles before grabbing a good amount of hand blades and I pulled off my pure and opened it and I tossed it over to him... I said grabbing ammo a" 40k like we agreed and a hand full of diamonds to know I mean business.''.

I looked at him as I cocked my gun...

after our little transaction I left threw the back and to a motorcycle I always had parked there just in case I needed it and I got on it placing my new weapons in the back compartment bags and smiled before ripping off my dress showing off a sleeveless leather body suite the didn't go down past my upper thighs. I kick started my bike and took off down the street heading over the French ambassador building hoping to find my target there... I pulled up to the abandoned building across the street from it and made my way to the top.

                                         I had the bags slung over my shoulder and my sun glasses on ... I pulled out my new desert eagle 22.m and I smiled at how shiny and brand new it was. I pulled out the stand and knelt down and placed it on the raised edge of the roof and chuckled cocking it back and I looked threw the scope and looked around the building and found his office ware he was facing away from me doing paper work... I lined up the shot when I herd the door burst open... I took what shot I could and quickly strapped the gun on my back and grabbed my katana and I jumped off the roof as men shouted and ran over to the doge of the roof and looked off and I landed on a street side building sign the was held up by poles before jumping in a car and running off to m motorcycle . I threw on my bags before looking back and then in front of me of see a guy pointing his gun it my face. A bit shocked and confused I looked around and I soon realized I was soon surrounded by men and police. I slowly raised my hands up chuckling softly knowing I was done for as cop cars pulled up and I looked up at him

"well played.....''.

                                      it was eight years later I before anything existing happened I had been locked in locked up in a top secret base in the artic ... I was in the wreck room ware we ''villains'' usually passed time watching t.v working out playing board games... it so happened I was actually watching the news since there was nothing else o do. I had my feet kicked up with my sun lasses on watching the news as a braking news thingy just popped up... I pulled my feet off the table and leaned forward listening in...

 *news cast*

News woman: good afternoon and braking news ... todays at 2:35 pm eastern standard time in Paris France at birthday for the young angelica Batesville was kidnapped by an unknown figured surprisingly no one has been able to identify the man or woman who has taken the first daughter of the united stares of America. More details on this coming up

                                            I could hear a few prisoners whisper softly about it around me when one of them said

'' serves the brat right.''.

I chuckled and leaned back as a few men in complete black suites and sunglasses walked threw the door. One of the men asked in a slightly demanding tone

"Nikita ''Vivian'' Yamada?''.

 raised my hand for a brief moment before crossing my arms again calling out

"that's my name don't ware I out....''.

A tall dark skinned man in a generals uniform walked out with his hands behind his back and looked at me... his eyes were a pale soft gray and he looked like he was well into his 60's ... he said in a deep deep voice

" come with us.... we have and offer to make you''

I chuckled getting up walking over to them

"'oh god this should be good....''.

We made our way down a hall that was guarded a lot more than usual.... men with assault rifles and hand guns... all of them looked like a professional assassins and I raised up my defense and guard. They led me to a room ware a man was standing away from me in a business suite just without the jacket... he had silvery whitish gray hair and he was well into his late fifties not quite sixties yet... once he turned around to face me... it was Mr. Head of state himself and ī chuckled softly

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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