𝗼𝗻𝗲 , punch

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THE SUN CAST A golden glow through the high windows of the dance room, illuminating the polished wooden floors and mirrored walls. the room was buzzing with activity as students in leotards and tights stretched and chatted, preparing for their ballet class.

hari's onyx-black hair was swept into a meticulously constructed bun, secured with pins that glistened like tiny stars against her dark locks. she stood in her pink ballerina attire, the fabric hugging her slender frame, as she stretched and warmed up.

within the dance studio, the sunlight streamed through large windows, casting a soft glow upon the polished wooden floors. the room was adorned with posters of ballet performances and motivational quotes, creating an atmosphere of artistic aspiration. the other ballet dancers chatted in hushed tones, adjusting their leotards and adjusting their hair just like hari.

miss han, the seasoned ballet instructor with silver streaks in her dark brown hair, clapped her hands to gather the students' attention. her voice, a mix of authority and encouragement, filled the room as she outlined the routine for the day's practice. "today, we'll be focusing on perfecting the grand jeté and pirouette combinations. remember, every movement should flow seamlessly."

amid the poised atmosphere, riki leaned against the doorframe, his casual demeanor belying the mischief in his eyes. his disheveled blond hair fell over his forehead in an almost deliberately careless way. his attire, a simple white t-shirt and loose jeans, stood in contrast to hari's more formal ballet attire.

as the music began to play, hari's lithe form came to life. hari gracefully leapt into the air, her focus locked on the mirror to ensure her form was flawless as riki seized the opportunity. with a flick of his wrist, he launched a crumpled piece of paper toward her, the missile sailing close enough to tease her peripheral vision.

the paper's trajectory narrowly missed hari, causing her to falter mid-leap. a brief twitch of irritation marred her otherwise composed expression. she shot a fiery glance in riki's direction, her dark eyes flashing with a mix of annoyance and determination.

"what's the matter, princess? can't concentrate with a little distraction?" riki's voice dripped with a heavy layer of sarcasm, his lips curling into a mischievous smirk. he leaned casually against the door frame, a sly grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. the challenge in his eyes was impossible to ignore.

hari's fingers clenched at her sides, her irritation simmering beneath her controlled exterior. "i'm gonna punch you if you don't cut it out," the girl's voice held a note of warning as she shot him a glare, her focus never wavering from the dance.

"do it," riki taunted, his voice low and provocative. the challenge was laid bare, his gaze locked onto hers with an intensity that dared her to follow through.

her chest heaved with a mixture of frustration and exasperation. jaw clenched, she took a decisive step forward, her poised demeanor now replaced by a simmering determination.


without hesitation, hari's determination turned into action. she finished her leap and swiftly closed the distance between them. her fist met riki's face with a satisfying thud, his surprised expression only fueling her satisfaction.

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