2.0 Chapter 23: Take turns

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WELCOME TO BOOK 2 and let's begin this journey with 505 reads. Let's go! Thank you for so many reads. I mean I thought I was the only fan of this show on wattpad. But hey, I found so many.

Anywho, sad story comes ahead.

I think most of you have heard of...Felix??? Well, he should take a bow for actually showing up. Ya know.

Obvi I ain't gonna write about something y'all already know. OMG FELIX AND KAGAMI. Who saw it coming?

You tell me........okay let's go one with the freaking chapter! AUTHOR! It's been almost a month! I know and I apologize. I was settling into college. Love y'all!



(Author "no Felix you don't get to dictate your own story. Go back to the show!")

I heard the yelling before the shouting started. I heard his voice. Angry. Filled with rage. He didn't like my marks for French. For anything actually. He thought me to be just like my cousin. Adrien. Adrien might be a naive child, I am not.

"STOP IT!" I yelled.
"Did you just raise your voice on me, Boy?!"
"I did, what is it to you?" I asked.
"That tongue on you will get you in trouble one day!" He snapped. I was only 11 years old and I had already learned enough about this man. He was sick. A crazy man. And I will be better than he will ever be.

And then he died. And that was by far the best day ever.

I wasn't scared of him, I loathe him. But who knows, maybe he'll come back just to spite me. I wasn't sure.

Mother was crying, she never saw the hard parts of this sick world. But I have. And I swear to protect everyone from it.

I turned around on my heel and walked out of the funeral, one that never meant anything to me anyways.


Adrien apologized for not showing up, I didn't care much of it. He had lost his mother and me my father. I was glad I had. He on the other hand probably wasn't.

And then he goes and blames me acting out because father died. I don't think so. It's because he never saw it before. And if it wasn't for Ladybug, he would not have at all.

And when I get the chance to destroy her. I will. And nobody can stop me. I just need the most imperfect plan to pull together.

But first I need to fix things with Uncle and Adrien. Simple.

Mother always talked about a ancient connection to unknown power. To the family. All sides of this family. And I wanted that power for myself.

I will earn it no matter what.

Here I come Paris...


Mari's POV (Only for you....)

I dropped all my books. Okay! I know I have done this before. But as Ladybug...yeah I've done it as Ladybug too. I pick them up and set them neatly on the roof of some building.

Before Chat comes and freaks me out I get out of there and toward the Eiffel Tower.

"BOO!" I hear his annoyingly cute voice and I yell out just enough to redeem myself of the embarrassment.
"You're incorrigible!" I exclaimed.
"Well, aren't cats supposed to be sneaky, Miss Bug?" He asked.
"Another nickname?" I groaned.
"But I do prefer bugaboo." He smiled. I rolled my eyes, hiding a sly smile.
Chat jumped on the railing of the tower and a meow noise came out of his bell.
"What was that?" He asked himself.
"Plagg wanted to play a prank on you." I smiled.
"That's just mean." Chat smiles.

"Let's do patrol. Meet back here in an hour?" I asked.
"Always..." and Chat jumps away.

Whatever this was, it was different.

I am never playful.

Patrol was easy and finished quicker than I would have thought. But it did. I then rounded back to the Eiffel Tower as my patrol was done.

I felt so excited. Unable to wait. What's wrong with me?

No one! Remember, Marinette. No one!

I won't like everyone I know. That is a cute boy.

He wears a mask! One I can't overlook! One I can't see through. And never will. I can't.

I can't fall in love with another forbidden person.

But I still am waiting for Chat Noir. I promised. Kind of.

But he didn't come. So I left.

It was a jumble of feelings clashing each other.

He didn't come!
He could have!
Maybe he's there!
I can't love him!
I love Adrien!
No! I can't love both of them!
That's impossible!
No one can love two different people!

Are they?

No! No! No! I can't think like that!

Blonde hair!
Stop it!

I detransformed and I flunked myself on my bed. Groaning.

"What is it, Marinette?" Tikki asked.
I turned around and gave a Macaroon to Tikki.
"Nothing." I muttered.
"Are you okay?"
"N-not really. But I don't know what the problem is." I said. I felt as if I was lying. But I was confused.
"Tikki...why do I have the same eye color and hair color...uhm...ignore me!" I said.

I looked at the other Kwami's staring at Tikki.
"Marinette do you...Chat Noir..."
"No! Of course I don't! I'll never try to figure out his identity. The...forget it. I'll sleep on it. Goodnight, Tikki."
"Don't you have math homework?" Tikki asked.
And that just made my heart drop.
"I do! And it's due tomorrow! Oh no!" I jumped off the bed and logged into my computer to do my homework.

Knock knock

I turned toward the roof and I gasped. Chat Noir?

I coughed as I saw Tikki in the open. She hid right after. I blinked and his eyes stared into mine without breaking eye contact.
"Chat Noir?" I asked, shyly.
He motions for me to join him. And I foolishly nod.

I go up the ladder and open the latch, Chat Noir takes my hand and helps me up. I gulp at the feeling of both warmth and coolness.

"What's wrong, Chat Noir?" I asked.
He smiled.
"I think Ladybug...likes me." He says.
"Oh-I-uhm-what?" I asked. Am I that obvious?
"Kidding, Marinette. How have you been?" He asked.
"Good. Why are you here?" I asked.
"I just needed...a friend."
I nodded.
"How can I help?" I asked.


Soooo, is it MariChat? Ladynoir?

Which one am I leaning toward?

Next chapter is where the villain attacks. Stay tuned. Because this romantic scene is gonna take a turn.

I know we all wanna have a actual MariChat scene.

It'd be so cute. Hint hint.

Pound it M'Lady🐞
Pound it M'Kitty😻

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