Enchanted Garden

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As the only daughter of the High King, you had to watch on the sidelines as your father bartered for your hand in marriage. When you vehemently shot down every option brought to you, he lost his temper, reminding you of your station in life, and the responsibilities that came with it.

In the end, he chose a Prince from a far off Province in hopes you wouldn't choose to run away and head for home.

Distraught over the thought of marrying someone you'd never seen, or even heard of before, you locked yourself in your room, crying with your head in the lap of your handmaiden, Rue.

She brushed your hair back from your face, and dried your tears with her handkerchief, caring for you, just as she had ever since you could remember.

"It's not a bad place, Miss," she said consolingly, "I grew up near there, in the woods. In fact, I believe your father is planning on sending me with you. I can show you some of the most beautiful places!"

Rue always had a way of making you feel better about things. Unbeknownst to your parents and their advisors, Rue taught you about the other side of life. Of the common people, and how they survived day to day. She instilled a kindness and caring in you that your brothers never had a chance to cultivate.

Now, she told you of the area you would soon move to, and what she knew of the Royal Family.

"This is the first time I've ever heard you speak of where you came from, Rue. If it's so wonderful, why did you leave?"

She smiled adoringly at you,

"Because I was supposed to come take care of you. Now, we need to decide what you want to take with you when we go. If I understood correctly, we will leave in two weeks. It will be a 3 day ride to the port, and then another 2 days on a ship."

You groaned. None of that sounded good.

"Don't fret, sweet girl. You have got a lot of happiness in your future."

"How could you possibly know that?"

"Trust me, dear. I wouldn't lead you astray."

With those encouraging words from Rue, you set forth on preparing yourself for the next season of your life.

The wedding, itself, wouldn't take place for another month after your arrival, giving you a chance to be involved in the planning process. Your family wasn't able to join you until a couple of days before the actual event, so Rue would be your only ally.

Two and a half weeks later, you woke in your cabin on the largest ship your father could find, dreading the day. The 3 days on horseback was a killer on your backside, and you spent most of the day before laying in bed resting. You stretched out, careful not to wake Rue, who was sleeping next to you. She was supposed to have her own quarters, but you insisted she stay close. With Rue next to you, you were able to relax and get a few hours of sleep.

A Royal envoy was waiting when you stepped off the ship. Thankfully, you and Rue were able to ride in a carriage to the castle, rather than horseback. You weren't sure your backside couldn't handle another day on the back of a horse. Even the bumpy road caused you to wince.

"Don't worry, Miss," Rue said with a calm smile, "I know where I can get some herbs and make a salve that will help that pain. I'll take care of that after we get you settled."

You'd noticed that, the closer you came to this place, the happier Rue was. She seemed to be glowing as she looked out the carriage window at her former home.

At the castle, the Royal Family stood on the top steps, with their guard and many of the villagers lining the red carpet that stretched out the gates to the dirt street for their chance to see the woman that was to become Prince Namjoon's bride.

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