Chapter 1

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Mina was always an unusual girl. She always preferred the darker things in life. The dark gave her life, the night made her feel reborn and the stars were her friends. The moon? Her mother!
She spent her whole life looking for her purpose but never found it which only made her even more curious about it. Was this her purpose? To seek answers for why was she put on this Earth? Who was she before? She always believed in reincarnation. The thought of having an eternal soul made her feel safe and not scared of death. But who was she before she was Mina?
"I am certain that I was a witch in my past life!" - screamed Mina with a firm tone - "They burned me at the stake and now here I am, so haha, motherfuckers!"
Mina was having a party at her place, with all her friends. She loved her friends deeply and would die for them. Parties were her element so when she had one too many chardonnays, she would let out her passion about her own thoughts, screaming them from the heart like she dictated her life so far.
"Why do you think animals like me? And why do you think ghosts speak to me?" - continued Mina with a dizzy voice - "I'm telling you! I was a witch! That's why I also hate heat!"
"You better go get dressed, witch, I told you we're going out and I won't take no for an answer!" - said Ana after taking another hit from the joint
Ana, one of Mina's best friends was always scared of the paranormal, of ghosts and she never like when Mina talked about these kind of things and just wanted to stay high and drunk without being scared.
"But you know I like it home.. the people out there are so loud and they don't have chardonnay!" - Mina pouted
Ana poured another shot for Mina and made her drink it.
"By the time I finish smoking this cigarette you better be dressed and ready!" - said Ana pointing at Mina
Mina looked out the window and saw the beautiful full moon. She always talked to the moon. Always asked for guidance. Tonight, she just looked at it and knew it was going to be a special night. It was glowing and beautiful.
A couple of chardonnays and 5 more cigarettes later, they got to the club. Clubs used to be Mina's favourites because she could escape reality and just live in a disco ball, detached from the world for a few hours. But now it was like her personality shifted and she preferred to stay home in her own world, dreaming and dancing with herself till the morning. She called it "self love".
The night was perfect. A little bit chill but with a warm wind just blowing over. Mina was outside on the bench, just catching her breath after "summoning demons" she called her dance moves and just breathing in some fresh air. She noticed a couple, or that's what she thought, on the side of the entrance. She liked the blonde girl. Mina always had a thing for blondes. She just looked at her and started analysing her with her mind. Her long blonde hair, her masculine figure, her chains hanging from the boots and the beautiful leather jacket she was wearing. She could hear them talk. Their demeanour was giving her the impression that they were fighting. She tried to look away from them but the blonde girl just had something. In her foggy chardonnay and tequila shot intoxicated mind she was picturing herself with this girl.
"Talk to me while I ignore her!" - said the blonde girl to Mina, while sitting next to her on the bench
Mina looked at the blonde girl and blinked a few times coz it was just too unreal that she was imagining her and then she was next to her. She squinted at the blonde girl and then pulled away coz she thought she was so drunk that she was hallucinating.
"Are you talking to me?" - said Mina with a drunk voice, squinting at the blonde girl again
"Yes, is there anyone else here with you?" - said the blonde girl, laughing softly
"Why would I inludge in such activities?" - said Mina, trying to act smart and sober (indulge)
"Haha! I'm just asking you to keep me company, drunkie!" - said the blonde girl, a little bit amused by Mina's situation
"Well, blonde girl, why are you trying to ignore your girlfriend?" - said Mina with hope-full, in her drunkness that the girl wasn't her girlfriend
"She's not my girlfriend. She follows me everywhere. I went on a date with her and now she's everywhere I go." - said the blonde girl while she light her cigarette
Mina looked at her with drunk, angry and confused eyes and said:
"I'll keep you company if you give me your cigarette."
The blonde girl smirked while looking at Mina and handed her her cigarette. She then pulled another one out of her jacket pocket and lit it up.
"I'm Tara, by the way." - said the blonde girl while showing Mina her hand so they can shake hands
"I'm Mina, by the way." - Mina slapped her hand then took her cigarette out and blew the smoke on Tara
Tara smiled at Mina's gesture and asked: "May I buy you a soda, Mina? As a thank you for keeping me company, of course"
Mina looked at Tara and laughed - "Tonight's not the night for sodas, TA-RA! But you can buy me a tequila shot. ..BUT ONLY! ONLY IF YOU DRINK ONE WITH ME1" - said Mina putting up her finger
"Even better..MI-NA!" - said Tara, imitating Mina
They went inside and started drinking. Mina's friends were always on watch with her and always put her in cabs to take her home. Tonight, Mina decided to stay up the whole night, just talking and dancing with Tara. She liked her instantly. Her attitude, the way she talked to to her, the way she spoke about things. She was very interesting. She was 10 years younger than Mina but very mature. They had a lot in common. They liked the same bands and the same movies. It was a very familiar place for Mina to be in. She was understood in her darkness and that for her felt freeing. She loved her friends dearly but they never understood her dark side and why she liked the things she liked. Tara felt so familiar to Mina and Tara felt the same about Mina. They felt like they knew each other their whole lives.
It was 7 am in the morning and Mina and Tara were walking to Mina's place just laughing and enjoying each other. They felt like the night was only for 10 minutes..
"I would ask for your number but now I know where you live" - said Tara smiling
"You do but I might not be home when you come visit, haha!" - said Mina, sobered up from the walk
"That's completely fine. I will wait for you if you're not home." - said Tara
"Hahaha! I wouldn't want you to wait for me on the stairs like an unwanted lover, would I?" - said Mina looking for her keys to her apartment
Tara looked at her and stopped her in the middle of the road. She put her hand softly on her cheek, looked her in the eyes, then looked at her lips and said: "But I would."
Mina looked her in the eyes and was trying to stop herself from kissing her. But her lips were so plump and perfect. Her septum nose ring was falling perfectly above her cupid's bow. Her green eyes felt like a forest she wanted to explore.
"Well then, you can have my number." - said Mina laughing and pulling away from Tara's hand
She was scared. She didn't understand where Tara came from and even though they spent the most fun and awesome night together, she wasn't ready to rush into anything and wasn't ready to open up to someone. She needed to think this through.
Tara walked Mina home and gave her a little kiss on the cheek.
"I really had a fun night and I would like to take you out on a date." - said Tara
"Well, aren't you just taking advantage of me being tired and still intoxicated with alcohol, miss Tara!" - said Mina cheekly
Tara laughed and kissed Mina's hands.
"I'll text you, beautiful!" - said Tara walking away

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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