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The entire class helped each other to decorate their stage..

As they were done ...

They have not decided yet who's gonna play on the show...

Kaminari and tokoyami volunteered to play the electric guitar..

Yaomomo volunteered as a pianist

"Oh c'mon Bakugo, I know you're good at playing that drum set..." jirou beg on him

"Tsk,fine!, You better make sure we can kill them with this music!" Bakugo agree, and play it shortly showing them how good he is...

Kirishima smiled and clapped.
"Woah...bakubro your awesome!!" ..

"So, who's gonna play as our vocalist?" Iida asked

"Jirou, I know you can sing... You should play as our vocalist?!" Hagakure says and give the microphone stand...

"What?!...b-but I'm.." jirou shy

"You can do it jirou, please show us that you can sing" mina cheers

"Fine, I'll do it..." Jirou says and take a deep breath...

The others are sitting and standing surround her..

They were ready to listen to her now..

She starts singing...

🎶 You know everyone
wants to sparkle
Like the stars
in the night sky🎶

Everyone was shocked and surprised on her voice...
It's angelic

🎶In this wondrous place,
filled with all the dreams

I've been wishing for,
waiting for the chance🎶

As she was done,
Everyone clapped and praised her...

"That was awesome jirou!"
"Omg, my ears are so happy!"
"I knew it, you can do it!"
"Jirou I love it!!"..

Jirou blushes and nodded
"Let's- set aside that, it's time that I should composed a song now.."she chuckles

They nodded, and brought the instruments back to jirou's room..

Everyone went to their own bedrooms to sleep...

But jirou is still awake,
She was busy on thinking of how she will fix the words...

She suddenly remembered izuku,

so she stands and went to izuku's room..


Izuku looks at the door as she heard the knock...

"Who's that?!" Izuku asked

"It's me jirou...c-can we talk?" Jirou responds

Izuku went to the door and opened it..

"Hey, uh...what do you want to talk about?" Izuku asked

"Can you help me fix this lyrics..I know you're good at arranging and fixing words properly.. I know it will be good if you help me" jirou says

"Oh..sure..may I take a look?" Izuku asked and jirou gives the paper where she wrote a few words .

"What do you think?" Jirou asked

"Leave it to me, I will arrange it and tell this to you tomorrow.."izuku says

"Okay..." Jirou nodded and left..

CHANGES Female deku X Bakugo (Complete Chapters)Where stories live. Discover now