Windy Breeze

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Notes:  Bf/n isn't a word but i use it to mean Best Friend's Name


"What a perfect view to take pictures..." Yaten was getting her camera set up by the ocean when she noticed you "Wow She/He/They is/are so pretty... Wait am i falling for someone!? that can't be right!" You notice Yaten blushing at you, so you walk up to him/her "I saw you were looking at me" You were taller than Yaten so you had to crouch down to her level. "Uh um no i wasn't i was looking at the ocean to get a perfect angle for my picture!" Yaten looked embarrassed "Do you go to this school? You look really familiar" You start messing with her/his hair. "Uh yea i do"  Yaten starts wondering how you haven't noticed she/he is Yaten from the Three Lights.


"I never seen him at school before..." You don't know Yaten is a girl and is a part of the Three Lights "Hey Y/N i got us tickets to go to the Three Lights concert!!" Your best friend shouts running over to you. "You do!? I'm excited to go with you i love their song called Naboragashi He!" You start jumping with excitement.

*During the concert*

"Were so lucky to get in the front! We can hear the music better from here!!" You start dancing while your friend is just drooling over Seiya "Are you even listening!!" You shout in your friend's ear "I CAN'T SEIYA IS JUST TOO HOT!!" your friend tries to get on the stage but security guards escort them out. Yaten noticed you and after the concert he/she wanted to talk to you. 

*After the concert*

"So, what did you want to talk with me about?"  You didn't have any plans, so you didn't care. "Um what's your name?" Yaten felt uneasy while asking "Oh my name is Y/N" You noticed she/he was blushing really hard "Um my name is Yaten, um please call me sometime!" Yaten handed you her phone number "Um are you saying that you love me...?" Your cheeks become tinted pink "Yea um you're really pretty" Yaten becomes red as a tomato, you hear in the distance "Yaten come on its time to go home!!"  "Well Y/N i have to go, call me when you get home!"

*You get home*

"I should probably call Yaten before i make dinner" You pick up your phone and start dialing the number "Hello?" Yaten answered the phone "Hey Yaten, so what do you want to talk about?" You start thinking about how she/he said she/he likes you "Um i hope my brothers don't make fun of me for this but... Y/N i love you so much, you mean the world to me i would die to be with you i know we met just today but can you be my girlfriend! Onegai Y/N" Yaten confessed all of her feelings for you "Yes i would love to be your girlfriend Yaten!" You start blushing a lot "Should we go on a date tomorrow?" Yaten was embarrassed to ask "Of course we can Yaten" You get excited

*Meanwhile after the call at Yaten's place*

"So Yaten you finally have a girlfriend?"  Seiya is planning on teasing her "Yea i do now shut the hell up"  "Ohh~ someone's getting feisty" Seiya started giggling after saying that "Shut up mind your own business" Yaten felt like punching Seiya in the face "I don't think i will mind my own business after i heard you got a girlfriend~" Seiya tried to annoy her more  "Do you really want a punch in the face?" Yaten death stared Seiya "Yaten your a midget I'm surprised someone even has a crush on you" Seiya started bursting out laughing, Yaten punched her in the face multiple times and Seiya ended up in the ER with a broken nose "Serves you right"  Yaten was happy about what she just did "Yaten i think you should apologize to Seiya after what you just did" Taiki closed her book and looked at Yaten "Nah dont feel like it" Yaten got up and left 

*At Your House* 

"I really want to see  Yaten.." you sigh and continue making dinner "I wonder what she/he is up to right now..." You go on your phone and have to call Yaten, you couldn't help it "Hello Y/N!" Yaten Answers the phone "Um can i come to your house tonight? i can't handle being without you..." You start thinking she/he will say no "Of course you can come to my house! i have a movie we can watch together" Yaten's heart starts racing "I'll be there as soon as i finish dinner" you hang up quickly make something eat it and then left.

*At Yaten's Place*

"So, your girlfriend is coming over?" Taiki raises her eyebrow "Yea she is! she's so pretty... I'm so excited for her to be here!!" Yaten's Heart starts racing faster than the speed of sound "Im excited to meet your girlfriend, I'm sure you got someone tall so they can pick you up~" Seiya teased her "Shut up Seiya before i break your nose again" Yaten yet again death stared Seiya, A knock on the door, Yaten jumped up out of her chair and opened the door "Y/N YOUR HERE!!!" Yaten hugs you really tightly "So, You must be Yaten's girlfriend~" Seiya eyed you down "Yea i am, My name is Y/N" You tried to ignore that she was about to flirt with you "So Y/N why dont we go to my bedroom~" Seiya tried to steal you from Yaten, Yaten immediately jumped on Seiya and punched her till she got knocked out "Well Y/N lets go to my room and watch a movie" Yaten grabs your hand and pulls you to her room "So what movie are we watching?" You were trying to see what movie she/he grabbed "We are watching The Lorax! Oh also why dont we cuddle in bed sense the floor isn't comfy to lay on" Yaten puts her hands on your waist and kisses you, You immediately turn red "O-ok" You crawl into bed with Yaten and cuddle with her while watching The Lorax, You both fall asleep and you kept sleep talking saying "Yaten your so cute..."

*The Next Morning*

You woke up but didn't want to get up sense Yaten was so warm and was holding you close "I can tell your awake Y/N" Yaten has been awake for a while, She starts pulling you closer and then she kisses you on the forehead "Yaten i have to go but i don't want to go when I'm without you i cant stop thinking about you" You start to get off of Yaten's bed "If you love me that much do you want a picture of me? Yaten grabbed out her camera and took a picture of herself and gave it to you "I will cherish this picture forever!" You start hugging Yaten "Well um, I got to change real quick can you look away?" Yaten sounded kind of embarrassed "Oh yea sure!" You turned around but you didn't want to, you turned back around and hugged her at that moment you realized Yaten is a girl. "Y-Y/N what are you doing!?"Yaten flinched "Wait, Are you a girl!?" You really didn't care she was hot either way. "Yea i am.." Yaten starts crying because she thinks you're going to leave her "Whats wrong Yaten?" You hug her tighter "Aren't you going to leave me?" Yaten sniffles "Why would i? your perfect no matter your gender" You look down at Yaten, The door suddenly opens "Uh am  i interrupting somthing~?" Seiya tried to piss off Yaten again. "Its not what it looks like Seiya!" Yaten pushes Seiya out of the room and slams the door "Well Yaten i got to go ill see you at the park at 2"You walk out of her room and then out the house

*mega timeskip*

"Hey Yaten its been 3 months sense we've been together, Can we move in together?" You start hugging her "Yes!" Yaten gets really happy

*after you move in together*

"Soo you let your girlfriend move in with you~?" Seiya still being annoying "Yea i did now shut up" Yaten snapped at Seiya "I wonder what you two are going to do under the sheets~" Seiya couldn't even imagine it "Say that again?" Yaten put a gun up to Seiya's head "I wonder what you two are gonna do under-" Seiya got shot by Yaten "Yaten did you just shoot Seiya?!" You and Taiki said it at the same time "Yes i did" Yaten put the gun down "The police are gonna be here!! throw the body out the window!" You start dragging Seiya's dead body to the window, Yaten opens the window and you throw it out

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