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I stayed with her the week she was there. Minho was coming really often too. Everyday after school and stayed until sunset. Felix was also coming everyday, but to give me my homeworks. He stayed there for a while, but when he saw Minho coming, he always left. I had no idea what was his problem. When Ari was finally let out of the hospital, she still had broken leg, so I carried her every day to her kindergarten, then I went to school, picked Ari up and went back home.

I had to get the job now, so I went to the cafe, it wasn't that far, like twenty minutes walk. Fortunately for me, I got the job thanks to my charm. I was going to be the cashier and they needed someone with "good smile and good talking skills" and apparently, I had them, even tho I don't really things so.

Well, my life from now one would be pretty simple:

- wake up
- make breakfast for Ari
- help her get ready
- walk her to kindergarten
- go to school
- try not to sleep
- pick Ari up
- go to the cafe
- stay there until 19:00
- go home
- make Ari dinner
- put her to sleep
- clean up
- wash up
- make homework and study
- go to sleep

I thought it would be easy, but I was wrong. Ari wasn't used to be alone at home and I was always scared something will happen to her. This routine went on for a few days and I was getting so tired and anxious. I was a real mess.

Felix went on a vacation, he will be away for two weeks, so Minho wanted to sit next to me. I didn't mind, I was happy I had someone next to me.
He noticed how bad I was getting.

"Hey, Jisung, are you okay? You look like you haven't slept in like a days"

"Cause I didn't sleep that much since we came back from the hospital. I have to do so many things, that I'm going to sleep at 4:00 am and I'm getting up at 6:20. I don't think I will be able to do this. I don't know how much can my body take. I will probably have to leave school and become "stay at home brother" if this continues."

I buried my head in my arms.

"Well, I can help you if you want." Minho told me out of the blue

"What do you mean? I don't think you're able to help me at all." I told him

"Of course I'm able to help you. I can babysit Ari until you come back. I can also clean the house and keep her safe. I can do that every day, I don't have anything to do anyway and I don't hate Ari." Minho told me

"Minho.... I can't ask you to do this for me." I told him

"You're not asking me, I'm offering my help." Minho told me

"Minho I really appreciate it, but Ari is my responsibility. I will make it work somehow." I told him.

After the school ended, I went to pick up Ari.
When we were home, i gave her some snack and made sure she can't get hurt from random objects. After that I kissed her forehead and left to the cafe. I felt really dizzy walking there, but I brushed it off, thinking it's because of the weather. I came in and started my shift. But in a middle of serving a customer, I felt so dizzy and my legs started becoming a jelly. I then blacked out. I woke up in an ambulance, it was standing tho and I just lay down. When I looked around, the doctor noticed I'm awake.

"Hello, do you know what is your name?"
"Of course, I'm Han Jisung."

"Good, does your hand hurt?"
"Why would it hurt?" I said and looked at my arm. It was in a bandage.

"When you fainted, you were holding a cup. It smashed and cut your arm. Nothing THAT serious tho, don't worry"
The doctor told me

"Tell me, young man, when was the last time you ate?"

I thought. The last thing was the Felix's brownie in the hospital.

"Maybe like, week ago?" I told him
"What? That's not good at all, you have to eat every day, at least 3 meals/day. We will take you to hospital to make sure you're okay."

"NO! I can't go to hospital. I have to go home. My little sister is waiting there for me. She's young, I can't leave her there alone!" I told the doctor

"Do you have someone who will take care of her?"
The doctor asked me

"No I...... maybe, can I give him a call first?"
I told the doctor and he nodded. I immediately called Minho.

He picked up almost instantly.

"Hi, what's up?" He asked me
"Well, funny thing..... I need you to babysit Ari for a while."

"What happened?" he asked me
"Well, funny story actually, I will tell it to you later, do you have time or not?" I asked him

"Yeah I do, I'm going there immediately."

"Thank you Minho, you're a lifesaver."
I told him and hanged up. They took me to the hospital and checked me out. It wasn't nothing serious, just that my body needed strength and food. They gave me some pills and some food and told me to rest for a while, then they let me go. When I arrived home, it was like 0:14. Ari should be sleeping already. When I came inside, I saw Minho sitting on the couch, watching TV really quietly, to not wake Ari up.

When he saw me, he immediately came up to me. He checked me up and saw my arm. He looked at me, I knew he wanted answers.

"Okay, I will tell you everything. I just haven't eaten anything and I felt dizzy and exhausted. I fainted in the cafe while I was holding a cup. It smashed and cut my arm a little, nothing serious tho. They took me to the hospital to check me up."

Minho looked really concerned.
"Jisung, tell me now, truthfully. When was the last time you ate something?"

I knew where this talk was getting. I knew it didn't make any sense to lie to him, so I just told him:

"the last thing I ate before I fainted was Felix's brownie. In hospital they gave me some food."

"You're telling me the last time you ate was a WEEK ago? And it was just a little brownie?"
Minho asked me

"I don't want to talk about this right now. I'm tired. Thank you for babysitting Ari." I told him and went to the couch. I was super tired, since I did not sleep in the hospital and i slept like 9 hours in total this week. I stumbled a little and Minho put his hand on my back, stabilizing me.

"Okay, I'm not okay with this. You're destroying yourself and I don't want to see that. Just let me help you." He told me

I turned around slowly and looked into his eyes. He wanted to help me and I was pushing him away.

"Okay, but only if you insist."

"Oh trust me, I do."

We made a deal. He will be living in my house, helping me with Ari and the house while I work.
He didn't want anything in return, he just wanted me to be better.

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