Casual Activity At Lov Base

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(I'm weird and dunno how to start stories don't judge, also I wanted to make this for only me to read but wattpad don't function like that so.. Enjoy?)

It was a normal day at the Lov base.. Toga and twice (twice ain't dead yet) were playing and talking with each other.. Mr compress just sitting there watching everything going on.. Dabi sat on a bar stool... Drinking.. And Shiggy upstairs and not heard of yet

3rd person pov:

"Well maybe I would've won if you didn't cheat!".. Toga whined.. "Cheat? I don't cheat! I'm too good for that.. No I most definitely cheated!".. "Well you must've cheated because theirs no way I couldve lost!".. Toga and Twice continued arguing about who won while compress just sat there... "Okay does it really matter who won?"... "Yesss!!".... Dabi sighed... "You lot are so noisy.. Shut up for once"..."You shut up!!".. Twice yelled... "oh my lord I can't deal with this much longer".. Dabi mumbled

Shigaraki pov:

I was laying in my bed ignoring the racket downstairs.. Instead lost in thought....What if none of that happened... What if I could control it.. What if.. What if they were still here.. He thought... He then got off his bed and walked over to his door.. About to open it but he was.. Hesitant?... He sighed the opened the door walking downstairs to the people he shared the building with..

"Looks like someone's awake.." Dabi said as Shigaraki came down the stairs.....Shigaraki just ignored him and walked over to the sofa and sat down on it.. "Good morning Tomura.."... Kurogiri said out of nowhere... "And where the fuck did you come from?..".. Dabi said.. "Your nan"... Kurogiri replied.. (sorry I wanted to add that for some reason-)
.. "Weirdo"... Tomura just sat there staring into nothing... "Hey Tomuraaa?~.."..Toga said.... "Tomuraaaaa~"... "Shiggyyy"... "Tenko"


AHHH WHY AM I PUBLISHING THIS AGAIN?? T_T... ANYWAY HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS EVEN THOUGH IT WASN'T MEANT FOR YOU AT ALL AND THIS WAS SO CRINGE.. Anyway hope you have a great day and plz tell me if I should make a next chapter though Idc what you think and I will anyway cuz this was meant for me but whatever <3

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