progris report 3-martch 7
Dr Strauss and Dr Nemur say it dont matter about the inkblots. I told them
285 I dint spill the ink on the cards and I coudnt see anything in the ink. They said that maybe they will still use me. I said Miss Kinnian never gave me tests like
that one only spelling and reading. They said Miss Kinnian told that I was her
bestist pupil in the adult nite scool becaus I tryed the hardist and I reely
wantid to lern. They said how come you went to the adult nite scool all by
yourself Charlie. How did you find it. I said I askd pepul and sumbody told
me where I shud go to lern to read and spell good. They said why did you want
to. I told them becaus all my life I wantid to be smart and not dumb. But its
very hard to be smart. They said you know it will probly be tempirery. I said
yes. Miss Kinnian told me. I dont care if it herts.
Later I had more crazy tests today. The nice lady who gave it me told
me the name and I asked her how do you spellit so I can rite it in my progris
riport. THEMATIC APPERCEPTION TEST. I dont know the frist 2 words but I know
what test means. You got to pass it or you get bad marks. This test lookd easy
becaus I coud see the picturs. Only this time she dint want me to tell her the
picturs. That mixd me up. I said the man yesterday said I shoud tell him what
I saw in the ink she said that dont make no difrence. She said make up storys
about the pepul in the picturs.
I told her how can you tell storys about pepul you never met. I said why
shud I make up lies. I never tell lies any more becaus I always get caut.
She told me this test and the other one the raw-shok was for getting
personalty. I laffed so hard. I said how can you get that thing from inkblots
and fotos. She got sore and put her picturs away. I dont care. It was siIy. I gess
I faled that test too.
Later some men in white coats took me to a difernt part of the hospitil
and gave me a game to play. It was like a race with a white mouse. They called
the mouse Algernon. Algernon was in a box with a lot of twists and turns like
all-kinds of walls and they gave me a pencil and a paper with lines and lots
of boxes. On one side it said START and on the other end it said FINISH. They
said it was amazed and that Algernon and me had the same amazed to do.
I dint see how we could have the same amazed if Algernon had a box and I
had a paper but I dint say nothing. Anyway there wasnt time because the race
One of the men had a watch he was trying to hide so I woudnt see it so
I tryed not to look and that made me nervus.
Anyway that test made me feel worser than all the others because they
did it over 10 times with difernt amazeds and Algernon won every time. I dint
know that mice were so smart. Maybe thats because Algernon is a white
mouse. Maybe white mice are smarter then other mice.